Gael 1  id: 16327812
created Platform action
18/11/20 00:32h first_login_default 
18/11/20 12:40h join_team  Ghost club (15761698)
09/12/20 14:06h team_kick  Ghost club (15761698) / by Jesus op (14048690)
24/06/21 04:46h join_team  Deleted account (16989480)
08/07/21 21:56h register_team  Deleted account (17022516)
09/07/21 18:09h register_team  Deleted account (17024727)
22/07/21 16:20h register_team  Soul Hunter's (17054883)
06/08/21 14:25h join_team  Hispanic Hunters (17089548)
20/08/21 16:37h join_roster  for team #17089548 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 August 2021 Latin America #228728 by #17022649
27/08/21 17:52h join_roster  for team #17089548 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #4 August 2021 Latin America #228729 by #17022649
01/09/21 00:08h join_roster  for team #17089548 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup Final August 2021 Latin America #228730 by #17022649
09/09/21 13:21h register_team  Deleted account (17232464)
10/09/21 12:35h leave_team  Hispanic Hunters (17089548)
17/09/21 17:13h register_team  Blood moon (17253775)
11/11/21 21:16h join_team  MancoBurgers (17362161)