Synthe  id: 16368758
created Platform action
01/12/20 20:08h first_login_default 
02/12/20 17:51h join_team  MCES (16371547)
03/12/20 13:31h join_roster  for team #16371547 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH13 Challenger Series #5 France #216803 by #13340361
10/12/20 10:42h join_roster  for team #16371547 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH13 Challenger Series #6 France #216804 by #13340361
17/12/20 11:14h join_roster  for team #16371547 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH13 Challenger Series #7 France #216805 by #13340361
29/07/21 15:35h join_team  MCES (17071971)
10/04/22 08:41h join_team  M.S Esports (17531890)
03/10/22 19:14h join_team  M.S Esports (17588876)
17/05/23 11:27h join_team  Bang Bang (17641610)
30/05/23 10:00h join_team  ET-XSPORTS (17643648)