Visitors (since 31/03/23)
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created | Platform | action |
19/12/20 17:58h | first_login_default | |
17/01/21 14:12h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Ying Cup #102 LATAM | |
17/01/21 14:27h | join_league ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Ying Cup #102 LATAM | |
17/01/21 16:40h | join_team VÄNIR (16503987) | |
28/01/21 03:12h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Viktor Cup #103 LATAM | |
28/01/21 12:54h | join_league ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Viktor Cup #103 LATAM | |
25/04/21 18:12h | join_team Dark Diamonds (16267177) | |
11/05/21 15:38h | join_team Chupapi Muñaño (16864045) | |
27/06/21 17:07h | join_team TeamNino (16969717) |