Il Betto  id: 16686581
created Platform action
23/03/21 03:15h first_login_default 
23/03/21 03:26h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 21 (PS4) FUT Country Tournaments 2021 Italy
23/03/21 03:26h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 20 (PS4) 1on1 Open Series Weekly Qualifier March 2021 #4 Europe East
23/03/21 03:26h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 20 (PS4) 1on1 Open Series Weekly Qualifier March 2021 #4 Europe East
23/03/21 03:31h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 21 (PS4) FUT Thursday Swiss Cup #81 Europe West
23/03/21 17:33h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 21 (PS4) FUT Wednesday Swiss Cup #80 Europe West
07/04/21 06:00h join_team  BLACKBLUEOUTLAW (16736319)
25/04/21 11:54h team_kick  BLACKBLUEOUTLAW (16736319) / by Cris_Rock3r70 (16268946)
15/11/21 11:22h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 22 (PS4) FUT Welcome To The Team Sancho Qualifier Europe
17/11/21 13:10h join_league  ESL Play FIFA 22 (PS4) 1on1 Open Series Weekly Qualifier November 2021 #6 Europe