Yoni  id: 16710894
created Platform action
31/03/21 22:22h first_login_default 
31/03/21 22:33h join_team  El Galponcito (16708508)
20/04/21 17:53h team_kick  El Galponcito (16708508) / by Eze (16700561)
11/06/21 17:41h join_team  El Galponcito (16708508)
30/07/21 16:00h team_kick  El Galponcito (16708508) / by Eze (16700561)
13/08/21 16:02h join_team  El Galponcito (16708508)
13/08/21 18:38h join_roster  for team #16708508 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #2 August 2021 Latin America #228727 by #16700561
20/08/21 12:37h join_roster  for team #16708508 in Clash of Clans 5on5 Community Cup #3 August 2021 Latin America #228728 by #16700561
27/08/21 09:19h team_kick  El Galponcito (16708508) / by Sir Matias (10286452)
06/09/21 11:09h join_team  El Galponcito (16708508)
17/09/21 17:52h team_kick  El Galponcito (16708508) / by Eze (16700561)
24/09/21 13:20h join_team  El Galponcito (16708508)
04/11/21 21:05h join_team  Latam Empire (17347090)