Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History skraum id: 16734124 created Platform action 06/04/21 13:25h first_login_default 06/04/21 13:26h join_team mbk world (16733968) 07/04/21 06:26h team_kick mbk world (16733968) / by Crocodile Benji (13289184) 07/04/21 06:45h join_team mbk world (16733968) 07/04/21 09:40h join_roster for team #16733968 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH13 Cup #1 France #223116 by #13289184 11/04/21 16:35h team_kick mbk world (16733968) / by Crocodile Benji (13289184) 11/04/21 16:46h join_team PAKU CITY ESL Mobile (16754206) 24/06/21 12:50h join_team mbk world (16733968) 24/06/21 13:58h join_roster for team #16733968 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #8 France #227040 by #15537393 02/08/21 09:57h team_kick PAKU CITY ESL Mobile (16754206) / by Wolf (15837540) 02/08/21 13:02h team_kick mbk world (16733968) / by Crocodile Benji (13289184) 13/09/21 10:28h join_team PAKU CITY ESL Mobile (16754206) 27/10/21 09:52h leave_team PAKU CITY ESL Mobile (16754206) 06/01/22 08:58h join_team Fluo Party ES (17494142) 06/01/22 12:02h join_roster for team #17494142 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #14 France #234329 by #17502533 13/01/22 11:36h join_roster for team #17494142 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #15 France #234330 by #17502533 02/03/22 04:50h join_team KAE Family (17397066) 02/03/22 04:53h leave_team Fluo Party ES (17494142) 02/03/22 05:10h join_roster for team #17397066 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #22 France #236171 by #13699357 09/05/22 13:20h join_team KAE FAMILY (17542906) 13/11/22 15:43h join_team KAE Gaming (17607956) 13/11/22 16:03h leave_team KAE FAMILY (17542906)