Gingeyy  id: 16961155
created Platform action
09/06/21 23:23h first_login_default 
09/06/21 23:23h first_login_default 
09/06/21 23:31h join_team  Noobs With Aim (16961116)
10/06/21 23:27h join_roster  for team #16961116 in PUBG (PC) Community Challenge Phase 1 2021 - Round 1 North America #225024 by #16961103
09/12/21 18:41h leave_team  Noobs With Aim (16961116)
10/06/22 03:00h join_team  Noobs With Aim (16961116)
17/06/22 23:14h join_roster  for team #16961116 in PUBG (PC) Masters Americas Phase 2 Round 1 North America #238527 by #16961103