AkagaMi_2L4S  id: 17698247
created Platform action
29/01/22 14:04h first_login_default 
29/01/22 14:09h join_team  2Late4S’hine (17415573)
01/02/22 12:15h join_roster  for team #17415573 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #19 France #235417 by #16349546
10/02/22 14:34h left_roster  for team #17415573 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #19 France #235417 by #16349546
10/02/22 14:35h team_kick  2Late4S’hine (17415573) / by Titi (16349546)
03/03/22 06:27h join_team  2Late4S’hine (17415573)
03/03/22 06:27h join_roster  for team #17415573 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #22 France #236171 by #16349546
17/03/22 07:03h join_roster  for team #17415573 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #24 France #236173 by #16349546
23/03/22 16:21h join_roster  for team #17415573 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #25 France #236174 by #16349546
14/04/22 03:08h team_kick  2Late4S’hine (17415573) / by Titi (16349546)