BLINK  id: 17943121
created Platform action
02/04/22 11:56h first_login_default 
02/04/22 11:58h register_team  Bushido Warriors (17527000)
02/04/22 12:02h register_team  Bushido Warriors (17527002)
09/04/22 10:06h team_kick  Bushido Warriors (17527002) / by KING ELIE (17082342)
13/04/22 04:56h join_team  Bushido Typhoon (17532170)
18/04/22 10:47h join_roster  for team #17532170 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #29 France #237539 by #17430278
25/04/22 13:43h join_roster  for team #17532170 in Clash of Clans 5on5 TH14 Cup #30 France #237540 by #17430278