created | Platform | action |
09/07/22 01:12h | first_login_default | |
09/07/22 01:12h | join_team The Courageous (17560926) | |
09/07/22 20:08h | join_roster for team #17560926 in Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) Squad Series Weekly Qualifier July 2022 #6 North America #239623 by #18280343 | |
15/07/22 15:21h | join_team Swing or be Swung (17565884) | |
15/07/22 18:41h | join_roster for team #17565884 in Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) Squad Series Weekly Qualifier July 2022 #7 North America #239624 by #18280343 | |
24/07/22 21:53h | join_roster for team #17567988 in Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) America Cup #6 North America #239611 | |
17/09/22 20:32h | join_roster for team #17560926 in Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) Open Series Weekly Qualifier September 2022 #6 North America #241422 by #18280343 |