created | Platform | action |
18/06/06 13:04h | first_login | |
09/11/06 09:01h | join_team GeRmAn-Evolution (2099193) | |
27/02/07 09:12h | join_team Deleted account (2329392) | |
12/03/07 11:25h | register_team Moerchen and friends (2357039) | |
15/03/07 10:05h | join_team Deleted account (2362768) | |
25/03/07 05:12h | join_team Anti-Cheat-Allianz (2329352) | |
11/04/07 15:12h | join_team Deleted account (2392385) | |
16/04/07 08:45h | register_team GeRmAn-Evolution (2426336) | |
16/04/07 08:58h | join_team Bad Oldesloe (2424985) | |
18/04/07 07:50h | register_team DigitaL-ComA (2429718) | |
18/04/07 08:18h | register_team DigitaL-ComA (2429769) | |
21/04/07 17:29h | join_team AKI VIP Gather Team (2360024) | |
30/04/07 03:21h | join_team Premiumstreik (2326409) | |
06/05/07 12:31h | join_team Deleted account (2458093) | |
10/05/07 15:55h | join_team Spielerbank SchleswigHolstein (2031554) | |
16/05/07 16:22h | join_team Deleted account (2417897) | |
29/05/07 16:23h | join_team Deleted account (2509720) | |
29/05/07 16:35h | leave_team Premiumstreik (2326409) | |
31/05/07 14:21h | join_team Spielerbank Schleswig-Holstein (1422098) | |
04/06/07 07:56h | join_team Deleted account (2518847) | |
10/06/07 14:17h | team_kick Deleted account (2417897) / by (-) | |
06/07/07 16:17h | join_team Deleted account (2417897) | |
06/07/07 16:17h | join_team Deleted account (2417897) | |
16/07/07 17:27h | team_kick Deleted account (2417897) / by (-) | |
01/08/07 05:57h | team_kick Deleted account (2362768) | |
01/08/07 10:18h | team_kick AKI VIP Gather Team (2360024) | |
25/08/07 12:18h | register_team Herr Riebmanns Freunde aus der Wand (2682644) | |
15/09/07 07:49h | join_team Spielerbank Premium (783745) | |
16/09/07 13:25h | join_team Lan Division (1933125) | |
27/09/07 15:22h | join_team Woos iisch LooM (2740450) | |
07/10/07 13:30h | register_team Deleted account (2760388) | |
20/10/07 13:22h | register_team Deleted account (2785708) | |
20/10/07 13:24h | register_team Deleted account (2785715) | |
22/10/07 14:56h | team_kick Deleted account (2329392) / by Deleted account (4) | |
24/10/07 07:18h | team_kick Spielerbank Premium (783745) | |
26/10/07 09:15h | team_kick Deleted account (2458093) | |
03/11/07 09:29h | register_team Deleted account (2813076) | |
03/11/07 09:30h | register_team Deleted account (2813077) | |
10/11/07 16:38h | register_team Non Ritalin Energy (2828833) | |
17/11/07 07:36h | register_team Non Ritalin Energy (2841941) | |
21/11/07 10:34h | first_login_esltv | |
24/11/07 12:21h | first_login_esltv | |
04/12/07 14:32h | join_team Weihnachtsleet (1577019) | |
20/12/07 14:46h | join_team Deleted account (2490056) | |
20/12/07 14:54h | join_team Deleted account (2916994) | |
30/12/07 15:37h | join_team Bomb3rs Kontakthof FFM (2455572) | |
07/01/08 12:24h | join_team Spielerbank Norddeutschland (1262516) | |
29/01/08 19:06h | team_kick Deleted account (2490056) | |
13/02/08 10:46h | team_kick Weihnachtsleet (1577019) | |
31/03/08 17:07h | register_team RaTTe eSport (3149781) | |
28/10/08 16:31h | join_team Deleted account (3600810) | |
28/10/08 16:36h | join_team Deleted account (2385558) | |
31/10/08 14:07h | leave_team Deleted account (3600810) | |
31/10/08 14:07h | leave_team Deleted account (2385558) | |
07/11/08 16:28h | join_team X-for-Victory (2900866) | |
03/12/08 16:16h | join_team Bier iss(t) Dosensuppe (3684916) | |
12/01/09 01:10h | team_kick Lan Division (1933125) / by Deleted account (1642185) | |
04/02/09 11:37h | wanna_join_league Ger Far Cry 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
04/02/09 15:52h | join_league Ger Far Cry 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
02/03/09 12:02h | first_login_sports | |
02/03/09 12:05h | first_login_eslworld | |
02/03/09 12:05h | first_login_america | |
18/05/09 18:09h | join_team I Love sunset - Gathering (3626281) | |
21/10/09 17:58h | first_login_jufo | |
29/10/09 10:39h | join_team Deleted account (4286198) | |
29/10/09 10:40h | join_league Ger Beta 1on1 Ladder | |
12/12/09 23:40h | inactivity_kick Ger Beta 1on1 Ladder | |
08/08/10 12:04h | wanna_join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #2 | |
08/08/10 12:08h | join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #2 | |
12/08/10 06:25h | wanna_join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #3 | |
12/08/10 07:39h | join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #3 | |
19/08/10 13:16h | wanna_join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #4 | |
19/08/10 13:57h | join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #4 | |
04/09/10 09:57h | wanna_join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #5 | |
04/09/10 10:20h | join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #5 | |
11/09/10 08:35h | wanna_join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #6 | |
11/09/10 10:08h | join_league Ger Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #6 | |
06/07/12 08:33h | join_team 1337 PANDA (1550578) | |
14/03/13 10:56h | leave_team 1337 PANDA (1550578) | |
14/03/13 10:57h | leave_team Spielerbank SchleswigHolstein (2031554) | |
14/03/13 10:58h | leave_team Spielerbank Schleswig-Holstein (1422098) |