created | Platform | action |
25/04/12 01:24h | first_login_default | |
25/04/12 13:34h | join_team made to shine (5606381) | |
25/04/12 13:46h | join_team ajuri (6569652) | |
25/04/12 13:57h | join_team Against All Laws Of Nature (4345724) | |
25/04/12 14:11h | join_team KINGIKOVANAAAA (4530042) | |
27/04/12 07:36h | first_login_eslworld | |
08/05/12 19:11h | join_team Deleted account (3388404) | |
16/05/12 18:36h | join_team Alter Ego Chapter 2 page 009 (4208227) | |
23/05/12 23:15h | join_team OMNIPOTENCE (6232352) | |
09/08/12 07:29h | team_kick Alter Ego Chapter 2 page 009 (4208227) / by PuMa (2220025) | |
17/09/12 15:48h | join_team Unsere Kleine Bahnar Farm (5329521) | |
18/09/12 02:15h | team_kick Unsere Kleine Bahnar Farm (5329521) / by Deleted account (1295992) | |
19/09/12 11:59h | join_team Alter Ego Chapter 2 page 009 (4208227) | |
19/09/12 12:31h | leave_team Deleted account (3388404) | |
24/09/12 20:40h | join_team ajukrezi (6045671) | |
26/09/12 00:07h | leave_team Against All Laws Of Nature (4345724) | |
26/09/12 00:08h | leave_team ajuri (6569652) | |
26/09/12 00:09h | leave_team ajukrezi (6045671) | |
28/09/12 16:06h | wanna_join_league CZSK Vietcong Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
01/10/12 16:01h | wanna_join_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
02/10/12 04:08h | join_league CZSK Vietcong Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
02/10/12 04:09h | join_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
08/10/12 09:10h | join_team 2010 (4780192) | |
17/10/12 12:17h | register_team Deleted account (7239113) | |
17/10/12 13:00h | leave_league CZSK Vietcong Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
01/11/12 18:30h | join_team Deleted account (5596383) | |
03/11/12 07:21h | team_kick Deleted account (5596383) / by Deleted account (2658661) | |
15/11/12 17:02h | inactivity_kick CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
27/12/12 09:15h | join_team France (4961867) | |
05/01/13 14:28h | join_team hooksportz.easy.coins.nr1 (4545710) | |
12/02/13 20:16h | leave_team hooksportz.easy.coins.nr1 (4545710) | |
12/02/13 22:12h | register_team Deleted account (7523617) | |
15/02/13 12:24h | leave_team Alter Ego Chapter 2 page 009 (4208227) | |
15/02/13 12:25h | leave_team made to shine (5606381) | |
15/02/13 12:25h | leave_team 2010 (4780192) | |
15/02/13 13:18h | register_team Back To The Future (7529248) | |
15/02/13 18:07h | wanna_join_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
17/02/13 19:07h | join_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
01/03/13 13:17h | join_team Deleted account (7537662) | |
01/03/13 16:19h | leave_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
10/03/13 11:07h | team_kick KINGIKOVANAAAA (4530042) / by shaker (2485086) | |
11/03/13 16:40h | team_kick Deleted account (7537662) / by Gen.GrasS (1566070) | |
14/03/13 17:05h | register_team Deleted account (7591227) | |
14/03/13 17:14h | register_team HeadsWillRoll (7591253) | |
18/03/13 18:38h | wanna_join_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
19/03/13 19:12h | join_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
02/04/13 13:13h | wanna_join_league CZSK Vietcong Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
02/04/13 13:20h | join_team Vikings.CSGO (7503197) | |
02/04/13 13:22h | join_team zeDANES (6095557) | |
04/04/13 13:25h | join_team playful secrets (6099862) | |
07/04/13 15:04h | join_league CZSK Vietcong Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
12/04/13 16:45h | leave_team Vikings.CSGO (7503197) | |
02/05/13 09:28h | join_team Deleted account (7697826) | |
03/05/13 14:23h | leave_league CZSK Vietcong Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
10/05/13 13:36h | leave_team HeadsWillRoll (7591253) | |
24/05/13 01:44h | leave_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
31/05/13 14:42h | register_team Deleted account (7758240) | |
06/06/13 12:29h | leave_team OMNIPOTENCE (6232352) | |
06/06/13 12:30h | leave_team playful secrets (6099862) | |
06/06/13 12:30h | leave_team zeDANES (6095557) | |
06/06/13 16:04h | join_team HeadsWillRoll (7591253) | |
07/06/13 16:34h | leave_team Deleted account (7697826) | |
13/06/13 11:38h | join_team Creativity Gaming (7759327) | |
14/07/13 13:31h | leave_team Creativity Gaming (7759327) | |
16/07/13 18:37h | leave_team France (4961867) | |
16/07/13 18:37h | leave_team HeadsWillRoll (7591253) | |
20/07/13 11:50h | join_team Nation of KillazZ (7808349) | |
20/07/13 14:06h | team_kick Nation of KillazZ (7808349) / by PunisheR (7065994) | |
01/08/13 10:01h | register_team Spirit of Amiga (7868144) | |
02/08/13 08:18h | join_team Deleted account (7697826) | |
19/08/13 13:49h | leave_team Deleted account (7697826) | |
19/08/13 19:03h | wanna_join_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
24/08/13 18:26h | join_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
23/09/13 02:24h | inactivity_kick CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
09/12/13 15:43h | wanna_join_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
10/12/13 13:51h | join_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
09/02/14 13:09h | leave_league CZSK Vietcong 1on1 Ladder | |
25/03/14 13:19h | join_team Creativity Gaming (7759327) | |
04/05/14 07:41h | join_team French Pro Gamers (7847580) | |
03/06/14 18:17h | leave_team French Pro Gamers (7847580) | |
08/06/14 18:49h | join_team Retired Vc Players (5374240) | |
03/05/19 00:55h | join_team ajuri (6569652) |