created | Platform | action |
22/08/06 17:34h | join_team Gegenschlag 2005 (1712372) | |
07/09/06 12:29h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 2 | |
22/10/06 11:38h | leave_team Gegenschlag 2005 (1712372) | |
27/12/06 10:21h | join_team Gegenschlag 2005 (1712372) | |
07/01/07 05:10h | join_team Deleted account (2105335) | |
29/05/07 02:33h | team_kick Gegenschlag 2005 (1712372) / by Noctum (2005) | |
29/05/07 02:33h | team_kick Deleted account (2105335) / by Noctum (2005) | |
08/12/07 11:35h | join_team Gegenschlag 2005 Team Battlefield2142 (2892261) | |
16/12/07 15:33h | first_login_esltv | |
24/08/08 05:23h | change_xfire -> gs05doci | |
06/09/08 01:16h | decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 | |
10/09/08 11:35h | join_team Deleted account (3444012) | |
14/10/08 14:13h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 2 | |
30/10/08 00:32h | join_team Soldiers of Iron Cross (1801745) | |
30/10/08 00:40h | join_team SIC ESL Squad (3498650) | |
19/05/09 16:53h | team_kick Deleted account (3444012) / by Deleted account (3143404) | |
27/08/09 11:07h | team_kick SIC ESL Squad (3498650) / by Deleted account (3143404) | |
29/08/09 18:27h | team_kick Soldiers of Iron Cross (1801745) / by AbuZze (3442247) | |
10/10/10 19:42h | decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 | |
02/01/13 14:10h | join_team 13. Feuersturmbattalion (7357447) |