created | Platform | action |
20/09/06 09:21h | join_team Deleted account (2019074) | |
30/10/06 10:00h | team_kick Deleted account (2019074) | |
25/11/06 14:14h | join_team numb3rs (2066852) | |
19/02/07 17:15h | join_team numbersORG (2309642) | |
02/11/11 19:11h | leave_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Medium Tanks | |
02/11/11 19:11h | leave_team Sarmacki Batalion Pancerny (6091014) | |
09/11/11 12:52h | join_team Evil Panda Squad (6105606) | |
02/12/11 14:44h | join_team 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) | |
09/12/11 17:29h | first_login_esltv | |
14/01/12 11:53h | team_kick 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) / by Yippee Ka Yay (4193335) | |
20/01/12 12:05h | join_team 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) | |
21/01/12 10:54h | leave_team 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) | |
28/01/12 07:46h | join_team 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) | |
28/01/12 08:20h | join_team Ciamciaramciam Squad (6565386) | |
29/01/12 07:07h | leave_team 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) | |
04/02/12 06:53h | join_team 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) | |
04/02/12 20:04h | leave_team 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) | |
07/02/12 12:53h | leave_team Evil Panda Squad (6105606) | |
12/02/12 12:57h | join_team 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) | |
20/03/12 13:44h | join_team Deleted account (6735115) | |
24/04/12 14:42h | leave_team Deleted account (6735115) | |
07/06/12 13:22h | join_team Deleted account (6919840) | |
04/10/12 09:49h | join_team 1SBP Zawisza EMS (7208931) | |
08/12/12 06:22h | join_team Galak pizza (6854269) | |
17/12/12 04:09h | wanna_join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Christmas Cup 2012 | |
17/12/12 04:18h | join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Christmas Cup 2012 | |
26/03/13 18:24h | leave_team Deleted account (6919840) | |
26/03/13 18:33h | leave_team Ciamciaramciam Squad (6565386) | |
07/04/13 11:43h | join_team 1SBP Zawisza.wpl (7650359) | |
20/05/13 14:23h | leave_team Galak pizza (6854269) | |
20/05/13 17:17h | leave_team 1SBP Zawisza (6411421) | |
20/05/13 17:21h | join_team Lemming Train (6105766) | |
27/05/13 15:39h | team_kick 1SBP Zawisza.wpl (7650359) / by Venom (1673059) | |
27/05/13 15:40h | team_kick 1SBP Zawisza EMS (7208931) / by Venom (1673059) | |
20/06/13 04:26h | join_team Lemming Train (7628776) | |
28/09/14 09:10h | join_team Happy Tree Friends_T1 (7131154) | |
07/10/14 13:36h | join_team Who Cares? (7335493) | |
08/12/14 13:16h | join_team TheAddamsFamily (7632533) | |
12/02/15 09:40h | team_kick Happy Tree Friends_T1 (7131154) / by Deleted account (6098912) | |
11/03/15 15:32h | team_kick Who Cares? (7335493) / by Deleted account (6098912) | |
10/04/15 14:42h | leave_team Lemming Train (7628776) | |
10/04/15 14:42h | leave_team TheAddamsFamily (7632533) | |
10/04/15 14:42h | leave_team Lemming Train (6105766) | |
10/04/15 14:43h | join_team Stronk Siema (7897320) | |
13/06/15 12:01h | join_team Stronk Siema WGL (9170775) | |
03/04/16 07:12h | join_team Who Cares? 7v7 (9763781) | |
14/04/16 12:38h | join_team Who Cares? (7335493) | |
22/04/16 10:48h | team_kick Stronk Siema WGL (9170775) / by Deleted account (7742251) | |
07/05/16 06:46h | team_kick Stronk Siema (7897320) / by Deleted account (7742251) | |
30/05/16 10:02h | team_kick Who Cares? 7v7 (9763781) / by Deleted account (8310573) | |
21/07/16 05:59h | team_kick Who Cares? (7335493) / by Deleted account (8310573) | |
11/12/16 16:30h | join_team Pozdrawiam Team (9379955) | |
22/12/16 16:13h | first_login_sm | |
22/01/17 10:11h | team_kick Pozdrawiam Team (9379955) / by Proxu (7920471) |