Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (4) Rating Gameaccounts History GORO id: 2060165 created Platform action 30/09/06 12:10h join_team Polskie Oddzialy Specjalne (1622966) 29/01/07 13:46h team_kick Polskie Oddzialy Specjalne (1622966) 17/06/07 06:17h join_team Deleted account (2293688) 17/06/07 06:22h join_team Squadron of Death (1927889) 02/08/07 15:31h team_kick Deleted account (2293688) / by (-) 31/08/07 12:32h join_team Deleted account (2535994) 11/10/07 12:45h join_team Deleted account (2765417) 06/11/07 09:29h join_team Deleted account (2819738) 06/11/07 09:29h join_team Deleted account (2819738) 04/02/08 05:04h team_kick Deleted account (2765417) 05/04/08 09:27h join_team Deleted account (3149460) 19/04/08 17:47h team_kick Deleted account (3149460) 20/04/08 14:19h register_team Deleted account (3191356) 23/04/08 15:59h register_team Deleted account (3197867) 22/08/08 12:13h team_kick Squadron of Death (1927889) 28/02/09 16:03h join_team Squadron Of Death (3695969) 22/11/09 12:03h register_team Deleted account (4599325) 24/11/09 07:38h team_kick Deleted account (2819738) / by Deleted account (1746396) 29/11/09 11:59h first_login_america 28/12/09 08:52h register_team Squadron of Death COD MW2 3v3 (4688676) 09/01/10 00:46h join_team Deleted account (4712091) 08/03/10 10:14h register_team Squadron of Death COD MW2 4v4 (4913094) 23/03/10 13:31h join_team Nasty BiTcHes (3612730) 03/04/10 12:28h join_team Deleted account (4982457) 13/04/10 17:03h team_kick Nasty BiTcHes (3612730) / by Deleted account (2652734) 23/04/10 19:35h team_kick Deleted account (4712091) / by Minek (3030548) 11/12/10 06:50h register_team Deleted account (5503273) 19/04/12 12:52h team_kick Squadron Of Death & Friends (5026165) / by Minek (3030548) 17/05/12 10:02h first_login_esltv 20/05/12 06:03h first_login_esltv 06/01/13 05:41h register_team wilkipolskie (7423180) 02/01/25 04:24h ESL team_kick Squadron Of Death (3695969) / by Daemon (3) 02/01/25 04:24h ESL team_kick wilkipolskie (7423180) / by Daemon (3) 02/01/25 04:24h ESL team_kick Squadron of Death COD MW2 3v3 (4688676) / by Daemon (3) 02/01/25 04:24h ESL team_kick Squadron of Death COD MW2 4v4 (4913094) / by Daemon (3)