created | Platform | action |
28/01/07 10:48h | join_team Verdacht auf i-net onlyy 2 (2232598) | |
28/01/07 11:02h | leave_team Verdacht auf i-net onlyy 2 (2232598) | |
15/04/07 09:57h | join_team Deleted account (2424134) | |
19/06/07 04:32h | leave_team Deleted account (2424134) | |
18/07/07 04:00h | join_team Weed-Jedi-Rat (1905456) | |
03/10/07 10:39h | change_xfire -> holycalamity | |
06/10/07 09:21h | leave_team Weed-Jedi-Rat (1905456) | |
27/10/07 14:02h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
28/10/07 05:58h | increase_trustlevel 1 -> 2 | |
23/02/08 18:28h | join_team Keine Macht den Cheatern (1292203) | |
24/02/08 12:35h | join_team in memory of Bob Marley (1662969) | |
24/02/08 12:36h | join_team Spielerbank Ludwigsburg (2880971) | |
24/02/08 12:43h | leave_team in memory of Bob Marley (1662969) | |
24/02/08 15:10h | join_team VfB Stuttgart Fanclub (1448017) | |
26/02/08 15:55h | register_team Deleted account (3070112) | |
27/02/08 12:40h | join_team tehj9 fr0m teh moviez (2712864) | |
28/02/08 14:40h | join_team Deleted account (3034776) | |
28/02/08 14:52h | leave_team Deleted account (3034776) | |
01/03/08 13:42h | join_team T E C H N O B A S E (2658471) | |
01/03/08 13:43h | join_team We aRe oNe Fan-Team (2778648) | |
08/03/08 13:52h | leave_team We aRe oNe Fan-Team (2778648) | |
13/03/08 12:11h | join_team ALTERNATE aTTaX (2580390) | |
13/03/08 16:36h | join_team BROTHERS (2664321) | |
14/03/08 13:31h | leave_team tehj9 fr0m teh moviez (2712864) | |
28/03/08 21:00h | first_login_esltv | |
28/03/08 21:00h | first_login_esltv | |
07/04/08 10:17h | register_team Deleted account (3162683) | |
21/04/08 09:16h | join_team In Memory of Cheating-Death (2061258) | |
03/05/08 07:07h | first_login_esltv | |
09/05/08 10:38h | leave_team In Memory of Cheating-Death (2061258) | |
09/05/08 10:38h | leave_team T E C H N O B A S E (2658471) | |
24/05/08 06:18h | join_team Baden Wuerttemberg.Cs - Stuttgart (932118) | |
17/06/08 09:08h | wanna_join_league Ger Bomberman Online 1on1 Ladder | |
17/06/08 09:08h | join_league Ger Bomberman Online 1on1 Ladder | |
17/06/08 09:37h | wanna_join_league Ger Bomberman Online 1on1 Opening Cup | |
17/06/08 09:38h | join_league Ger Bomberman Online 1on1 Opening Cup | |
22/06/08 05:16h | leave_league Ger Bomberman Online 1on1 Ladder | |
22/06/08 10:01h | first_login_eslworld | |
22/07/08 13:32h | leave_team BROTHERS (2664321) | |
03/08/08 12:57h | join_team Deleted account (3300475) | |
03/08/08 13:46h | join_team Deleted account (3386112) | |
18/08/08 10:01h | join_team La Vida Loca (1683161) | |
22/08/08 12:09h | join_team Deleted account (3446144) | |
18/09/08 09:13h | join_team CZ is einfach nur Porno (2407246) | |
18/09/08 09:17h | join_team PONY ! (3005323) | |
18/09/08 09:18h | leave_team La Vida Loca (1683161) | |
18/09/08 09:19h | leave_team Deleted account (3446144) | |
18/09/08 09:19h | leave_team Keine Macht den Cheatern (1292203) | |
18/09/08 09:19h | leave_team ALTERNATE aTTaX (2580390) | |
18/09/08 09:20h | join_team ALTERNATE aTTaX (2580390) | |
19/11/08 11:58h | join_team Sunny Pictures Community (3149892) | |
19/11/08 11:58h | leave_team PONY ! (3005323) | |
19/11/08 11:58h | leave_team Deleted account (3386112) | |
19/11/08 11:59h | leave_team CZ is einfach nur Porno (2407246) | |
15/12/08 15:16h | join_team NoOneGivesAFuck (1675401) | |
24/12/08 13:55h | register_team Deleted account (3732091) | |
25/12/08 11:59h | join_team California Vacation (1548255) | |
25/12/08 21:17h | team_kick California Vacation (1548255) / by Deleted account (966676) | |
31/12/08 10:18h | register_team Deleted account (3748290) | |
09/01/09 03:45h | join_team Deleted account (3769724) | |
25/01/09 08:13h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR15 Handgun Ladder | |
25/01/09 09:02h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR15 Handgun Ladder | |
26/01/09 15:20h | leave_team ALTERNATE aTTaX (2580390) | |
26/01/09 15:20h | leave_team Deleted account (3769724) | |
26/01/09 15:20h | leave_team Sunny Pictures Community (3149892) | |
26/01/09 15:21h | leave_team VfB Stuttgart Fanclub (1448017) | |
26/01/09 15:22h | register_team Deleted account (3814511) | |
01/02/09 12:14h | register_team Verrafft durch die ESL (3830749) | |
08/02/09 15:54h | register_team Deleted account (3850589) | |
08/02/09 16:15h | join_team Spielerbank Kreis Ludwigsburg (1119039) | |
21/02/09 06:06h | join_team Deleted account (3873768) | |
26/02/09 02:05h | wanna_join_league Europe Quake Live 1on1 Ladder | |
26/02/09 02:22h | leave_team Spielerbank Ludwigsburg (2880971) | |
26/02/09 02:24h | join_team Deleted account (3769724) | |
26/02/09 02:37h | join_league Europe Quake Live 1on1 Ladder | |
14/03/09 11:38h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR9 AWP Ladder | |
14/03/09 14:25h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR9 AWP Ladder | |
26/03/09 14:45h | leave_league Europe Quake Live 1on1 Ladder | |
27/04/09 15:37h | team_kick Deleted account (3873768) / by Deleted account (2611274) | |
01/06/09 22:27h | inactivity_kick Ger Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR9 AWP Ladder | |
12/08/09 15:15h | join_team International Alliance Against Racism (2451173) | |
14/08/09 13:17h | join_team (3230879) | |
15/08/09 08:11h | join_team Die 3 von der Tanke (4354702) | |
16/08/09 18:16h | join_team Torreros (4309751) | |
28/08/09 10:04h | team_kick Die 3 von der Tanke (4354702) / by Deleted account (2412986) | |
16/09/09 07:58h | first_login_america | |
16/09/09 10:44h | leave_team (3230879) | |
08/10/09 10:13h | leave_team Torreros (4309751) | |
19/10/09 20:54h | decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 | |
31/10/09 08:11h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 2 | |
11/11/09 11:25h | increase_trustlevel 2 -> 3 | |
03/12/09 17:12h | join_team Deleted account (4628972) | |
03/12/09 17:13h | leave_team International Alliance Against Racism (2451173) | |
03/12/09 17:23h | leave_team Deleted account (3769724) | |
09/12/09 10:48h | join_team Bümmsers (3879442) | |
13/12/09 08:45h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR9 AWP Ladder | |
13/12/09 08:45h | trusted_direct_join Ger Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR9 AWP Ladder | |
13/12/09 08:45h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR9 AWP Ladder | |
16/12/09 14:10h | leave_team Bümmsers (3879442) | |
31/12/09 07:53h | register_team Deleted account (4696857) | |
05/01/10 10:08h | join_team LADY als Kontakt zu haben (4387971) | |
05/01/10 10:09h | leave_team LADY als Kontakt zu haben (4387971) | |
25/01/10 11:39h | join_team Colin McRae: Dirt2 Fanbase (4417674) | |
16/03/10 11:26h | inactivity_kick Ger Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR9 AWP Ladder | |
23/03/10 16:41h | join_team Baden Wuerttemberg.Cs (764960) | |
23/03/10 16:49h | leave_team Baden Wuerttemberg.Cs - Stuttgart (932118) | |
23/03/10 16:49h | leave_team Colin McRae: Dirt2 Fanbase (4417674) | |
25/05/10 12:42h | join_team NIMBY-Gaming (4269316) | |
25/05/10 13:39h | join_team Me55er5tecHeR (5090912) | |
22/06/10 15:43h | join_team NIMBY Gaming CSS Fanbase (4532685) | |
22/06/10 15:44h | join_team NimbY Gaming CS 1.6 Fanbase (4532628) | |
22/06/10 15:45h | join_team NIMBY Gaming Friends (3885643) | |
22/06/10 15:48h | join_team NIMBY Gaming CSS Female Fan (5021395) | |
12/07/10 16:31h | join_team NIMBY Gaming (2895157) | |
21/07/10 14:18h | join_team Deleted account (5192783) | |
24/07/10 18:02h | team_kick Deleted account (5192783) / by NeXaR (1909809) | |
28/07/10 14:16h | join_team Deleted account (5034983) | |
29/07/10 08:30h | leave_team Me55er5tecHeR (5090912) | |
20/09/10 09:35h | join_team NIMBY Gaming Redaktion (5297596) | |
20/09/10 09:44h | join_team Deleted account (5297963) | |
22/09/10 10:03h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder | |
22/09/10 10:05h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder | |
26/09/10 14:38h | join_team Formula 1 (4940332) | |
10/10/10 08:47h | register_team 10.10.10 (5372473) | |
26/10/10 17:08h | join_team Baden-Wuerttemberg Gaming (2340167) | |
19/11/10 13:31h | wanna_join_league Ger Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 1on1 Ladder | |
19/11/10 13:31h | wanna_join_league Europe Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 1on1 Ladder | |
19/11/10 14:27h | join_league Ger Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 1on1 Ladder | |
19/11/10 14:38h | join_team Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (5130631) | |
20/11/10 08:33h | join_league Europe Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 1on1 Ladder | |
22/11/10 10:39h | wanna_join_league Ger Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 1on1 Opening Cup | |
22/11/10 10:40h | join_league Ger Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 1on1 Opening Cup | |
01/12/10 09:51h | change_xfire holycalamity -> | |
06/12/10 16:05h | team_kick Deleted account (5297963) / by Deleted account (3550229) | |
14/01/11 22:45h | inactivity_kick Ger Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 1on1 Ladder | |
30/01/11 22:50h | inactivity_kick Europe Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 1on1 Ladder | |
27/10/11 19:29h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 | |
28/03/12 16:26h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle | |
17/09/13 15:24h | leave_team Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (5130631) | |
02/11/14 20:24h | team_kick NoOneGivesAFuck (1675401) / by theDestroyer (1545697) | |
11/01/15 14:50h | join_team Deleted account (8663361) | |
22/12/16 18:56h | first_login_sm |