Fabian 'briSko' Kromer  id: 2101238
created Platform action
18/04/08 13:05h change_xfire  -> defabi
30/05/08 16:34h first_login_esltv 
07/10/08 09:08h register_team  Deleted account (3553519)
13/10/08 07:16h wanna_join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Quick Cup #24
13/10/08 07:22h join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Quick Cup #24
13/10/08 14:31h wanna_join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
16/10/08 07:39h wanna_join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
16/10/08 10:57h join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
16/10/08 19:09h join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
27/10/08 10:43h first_login_eslworld 
01/11/08 18:14h register_team  Deleted account (3610450)
15/11/08 16:15h register_team  Deleted account (3639935)
15/11/08 16:16h register_team  Deleted account (3639937)
17/12/08 12:01h join_team  Deleted account (2141314)
22/12/08 13:16h leave_team  Deleted account (2141314)
31/12/08 09:45h join_team  TeamHellExpress (1769542)
10/02/09 11:34h join_team  BldyMn Fanbase (3854677)
12/02/09 11:41h join_team  TeK1do (3357742)
13/02/09 14:54h leave_team  TeamHellExpress (1769542)
13/02/09 16:29h join_team  TeK1do (3860792)
13/02/09 16:32h leave_team  TeK1do (3357742)
16/02/09 07:34h leave_team  BldyMn Fanbase (3854677)
16/02/09 07:36h leave_team  TeK1do (3860792)
16/02/09 07:36h join_team  TeK1do (3860792)
23/02/09 08:53h leave_team  Deleted account (3553519)
23/02/09 11:45h register_team  Deleted account (3892878)
27/02/09 16:32h leave_team  TeK1do (3860792)
05/03/09 14:18h join_team  MettbrötchenmitZwiebel (3495296)
19/03/09 14:38h join_team  Platinum eSports Team 2009 (3903052)
28/03/09 10:56h join_team  Baden Wuerttemberg - Esports (1913235)
03/04/09 11:28h join_team  TeK1do (3860792)
07/04/09 05:05h join_team  Deleted account (4020103)
07/04/09 05:06h leave_team  TeK1do (3860792)
11/04/09 20:25h team_kick  MettbrötchenmitZwiebel (3495296) / by Deleted account (3090243)
13/04/09 07:38h register_team  briSko Production (4038839)
17/04/09 17:02h join_team  Platinum eSports CUP (3651132)
18/04/09 12:35h wanna_join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
18/04/09 15:06h join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
19/04/09 07:09h leave_team  Platinum eSports Team 2009 (3903052)
21/04/09 14:04h register_team  Deleted account (4063341)
21/04/09 14:30h register_team  Deleted account (4063440)
27/04/09 09:27h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
27/04/09 11:47h register_team  womek Combination (4077860)
27/04/09 15:06h leave_team  Deleted account (4063440)
29/04/09 10:02h join_team  Platinum-eSports (3837280)
08/05/09 08:43h leave_team  Deleted account (4020103)
31/05/09 06:10h first_login_sm 
31/05/09 06:11h join_team  BW.CoD4 (4152155)
25/06/09 12:00h leave_team  Platinum eSports CUP (3651132)
25/06/09 12:01h leave_team  Platinum-eSports (3837280)
25/06/09 12:44h first_login_sports 
14/07/09 12:47h wanna_join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
14/07/09 13:38h join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
14/07/09 16:23h join_team  The PillZ (4215850)
18/07/09 06:22h join_team  Deleted account (4255096)
26/07/09 07:24h join_team  Spielerbank Bodensee (1456690)
29/07/09 06:36h join_team  Team Cyberplay Fanbase (3391757)
29/07/09 06:36h leave_team  Team Cyberplay Fanbase (3391757)
02/08/09 10:01h join_team  nRage (4292862)
02/08/09 10:01h join_team  nRage (4318294)
02/08/09 10:02h join_team  nRage (4318280)
02/08/09 11:27h leave_team  BW.CoD4 (4152155)
02/08/09 18:11h join_team  Deleted account (3352470)
29/08/09 16:04h increase_trustlevel  1 -> 2
31/08/09 22:55h inactivity_kick  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
13/09/09 04:50h team_kick  Deleted account (4255096) / by Deleted account (3707638)
02/10/09 06:28h join_team  Deleted account (4461755)
04/10/09 11:09h join_team  Deleted account (4466094)
09/10/09 11:41h join_team  Herbst Cup Owner (4478598)
18/10/09 07:52h leave_team  Deleted account (4461755)
28/10/09 12:36h join_team  Deleted account (4256926)
01/11/09 14:17h join_team  Deleted account (3985971)
01/11/09 14:17h join_team  aiE-gaming (3634020)
01/11/09 14:18h join_team  Deleted account (3891198)
01/11/09 14:19h join_team  Deleted account (3856087)
01/11/09 14:21h leave_team  nRage (4318280)
01/11/09 14:21h leave_team  nRage (4292862)
01/11/09 14:21h leave_team  nRage (4318294)
03/11/09 13:39h leave_team  Deleted account (4256926)
05/11/09 13:22h join_team  In memory of BldyMn (4546971)
02/12/09 08:26h leave_team  Deleted account (4466094)
25/01/10 14:38h team_kick  Deleted account (3856087) / by PIKI (3019607)
25/01/10 14:40h team_kick  Deleted account (3891198) / by PIKI (3019607)
25/01/10 14:40h team_kick  aiE-gaming (3634020) / by PIKI (3019607)
25/01/10 15:04h leave_team  Deleted account (3985971)
25/01/10 15:07h join_team  Platinum-eSports (3837280)
25/01/10 15:08h join_team  Platinum Superior Squad (4640346)
25/01/10 15:10h join_team  Platinum eSports (4276747)
05/03/10 07:15h join_team  In memory of RusheY. (4903004)
07/03/10 16:12h join_team  Deleted account (4411149)
18/03/10 14:05h wanna_join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
18/03/10 14:12h join_league  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
23/03/10 15:28h join_team  Warplace Platinum Squad (2415450)
11/04/10 10:50h join_team  HID-GSK (4957349)
10/05/10 00:26h inactivity_kick  Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
29/11/10 11:27h team_kick  HID-GSK (4957349) / by JFD (2942085)
22/04/11 19:22h decrease_trustlevel  2 -> 0
04/04/12 05:06h team_kick  Deleted account (4411149) / by JFD (2942085)