created | Platform | action |
08/01/07 17:05h | join_team Deleted account (2155416) | |
15/02/07 18:25h | team_kick Deleted account (2155416) / by Deleted account (-2142) | |
17/02/07 14:11h | join_team Ozone Giants BF4 (2237303) | |
20/09/07 16:49h | register_team Deleted account (2728307) | |
14/10/07 10:22h | register_team Deleted account (2773773) | |
03/12/07 18:56h | join_team Deleted account (2883803) | |
24/01/08 22:27h | team_kick Deleted account (2883803) | |
26/01/08 07:14h | join_team Without Luck (2992489) | |
13/02/08 09:44h | join_team WhitoutLuck (3035934) | |
13/02/08 09:45h | leave_team Without Luck (2992489) | |
13/02/08 09:46h | leave_team Ozone Giants BF4 (2237303) | |
07/03/08 09:52h | register_team ForStars eSports (3091619) | |
11/03/08 18:32h | leave_team WhitoutLuck (3035934) | |
29/03/08 09:03h | first_login_esltv | |
22/04/08 18:07h | change_xfire -> starbuck112 | |
22/04/08 18:08h | wanna_join_league ES Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
22/04/08 18:18h | join_league ES Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
09/05/08 06:17h | join_team KILLER_soul FANCLUB (3155040) | |
14/05/08 15:24h | wanna_join_league ES Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 May 2008 Cup | |
14/05/08 15:27h | join_league ES Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 May 2008 Cup | |
21/05/08 19:42h | wanna_join_league ES Call of Duty 4 1on1 Amateur Series | |
22/05/08 01:40h | join_league ES Call of Duty 4 1on1 Amateur Series | |
23/05/08 19:52h | join_team Deleted account (3256756) | |
24/05/08 07:52h | leave_team ForStars eSports (3091619) | |
14/06/08 11:43h | wanna_join_league ES Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Campus Party Fastcup | |
14/06/08 11:57h | join_league ES Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Campus Party Fastcup | |
26/06/08 03:26h | leave_league ES Call of Duty 4 1on1 Amateur Series | |
01/07/08 08:03h | team_kick Deleted account (3256756) | |
01/07/08 08:07h | join_team Deleted account (3332392) | |
31/07/08 14:23h | first_login_eslworld | |
16/09/08 13:51h | team_kick Deleted account (3332392) | |
17/10/08 09:01h | join_team Spain - BF2142 (3270004) | |
17/10/08 15:08h | join_team Luxury Games (3572093) | |
13/12/08 08:32h | register_team Deleted account (3707141) | |
13/12/08 10:42h | join_team Mochy Fan Club (3641737) | |
14/12/08 18:29h | join_team Team ASES.CoD WaW (3706930) | |
15/01/09 20:57h | join_team We are Gamers - Honorary (3740401) | |
15/01/09 22:21h | join_team Deleted account (3330758) | |
15/01/09 22:29h | leave_team Luxury Games (3572093) | |
12/02/09 15:36h | join_team Deleted account (3809305) | |
25/02/09 08:05h | team_kick Deleted account (3330758) / by Germau5 (2543142) | |
25/02/09 18:24h | join_team We are Gamers.ANTIGUO (3796471) | |
28/02/09 20:25h | join_team In memory of UberHighs (3884685) | |
03/03/09 13:43h | first_login_america | |
24/04/09 14:54h | join_team Ozone Giants BF4 (2237303) | |
25/05/09 17:14h | register_team We are Gamers.CodBo (4150637) | |
26/08/09 11:43h | join_team Overdose-Gaming (3816997) | |
29/08/09 08:29h | join_team Deleted account (4384580) | |
29/08/09 17:07h | team_kick Deleted account (4384580) / by Deleted account (4026023) | |
13/09/09 14:03h | team_kick Deleted account (3809305) / by Germau5 (2543142) | |
01/10/09 12:07h | team_kick Overdose-Gaming (3816997) / by Jogah (3792666) | |
07/10/09 15:28h | join_team Deleted account (4426653) | |
08/10/09 19:22h | team_kick Deleted account (4426653) / by Deleted account (4255550) | |
19/12/09 08:51h | join_team ASES e-Sports Club FANS (4665347) | |
20/05/10 07:10h | join_team Team exilium (1312650) | |
27/05/10 15:06h | team_kick Team exilium (1312650) / by Deleted account (1801597) | |
19/10/10 16:46h | join_team Gathers Eventos (5340273) | |
13/11/10 08:32h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
11/12/10 10:50h | join_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
12/12/10 02:07h | leave_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
12/12/10 09:37h | join_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
16/12/10 08:27h | leave_team Deleted account (2977403) | |
12/04/11 17:44h | join_team Deleted account (5825241) | |
30/04/11 19:23h | team_kick Deleted account (5825241) / by uLISES (2566241) | |
11/11/11 14:28h | join_team GIANTS! Squad (6351627) | |
08/12/11 18:26h | first_login_america | |
24/01/12 17:54h | register_team dISASTER (6556504) | |
21/02/12 13:26h | join_team GIANTS! Squad Alpha (6351556) | |
24/02/12 17:10h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle | |
02/04/12 19:23h | decrease_trustlevel 1 -> 0 |