created | Platform | action |
13/01/07 13:55h | register_team Deleted account (2243773) | |
23/03/09 15:17h | register_team revoluted realm (3980801) | |
31/07/09 12:01h | leave_team revoluted realm (3980801) | |
31/07/09 12:02h | join_team Deleted account (4320642) | |
17/08/09 14:46h | first_login_eslworld | |
24/01/10 10:18h | first_login_esltv | |
19/03/10 11:29h | join_team The MIPC Organization (4943225) | |
19/03/10 11:30h | leave_team Deleted account (4320642) | |
22/08/10 13:03h | first_login_esltv | |
24/08/10 15:28h | first_login_esltv | |
01/09/10 10:35h | first_login_esltv | |
04/09/10 03:35h | first_login_esltv | |
08/09/10 15:50h | first_login_esltv | |
16/09/10 14:27h | first_login_esltv | |
27/09/10 17:11h | join_team MIPC (5207115) | |
11/02/11 14:38h | first_login_esltv | |
14/02/11 11:14h | first_login_esltv | |
15/11/11 06:15h | team_kick Teh Chosen Ones (5622535) / by tebbzie (2158498) | |
04/02/12 13:18h | join_team Soldiers of America (4789106) | |
22/04/12 07:30h | join_team gaskungeN (6820436) | |
11/06/12 16:49h | join_team JustDWI (6822182) | |
24/06/12 07:41h | team_kick JustDWI (6822182) / by Deleted account (3864537) | |
24/06/12 10:20h | join_team Team (6072175) | |
25/06/12 15:30h | join_team Cojones (5378760) | |
05/07/12 15:22h | join_team CrystalSky (6171908) | |
15/07/12 06:54h | leave_team CrystalSky (6171908) | |
15/07/12 06:55h | join_team Faijat (7002385) | |
21/07/12 02:55h | leave_team gaskungeN (6820436) | |
21/07/12 02:58h | register_team (7031405) | |
24/07/12 04:54h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 1on1 Mr15 Cup #1 | |
05/08/12 07:36h | leave_team Faijat (7002385) | |
20/09/12 15:18h | team_kick Team (6072175) / by Deleted account (3088435) | |
28/09/12 13:47h | join_team TEAM-INDONESIA (6332241) | |
30/09/12 06:13h | leave_team TEAM-INDONESIA (6332241) | |
05/10/12 08:14h | join_team HyperX FR34KSHOW EMS (7148690) | |
31/10/12 13:10h | leave_team Cojones (5378760) | |
31/10/12 13:11h | leave_team Soldiers of America (4789106) | |
14/12/12 16:08h | join_team Pinkiewinkies (6576584) | |
30/01/13 12:03h | leave_team Pinkiewinkies (6576584) | |
06/02/13 14:41h | join_team retired#FIN (7507304) | |
25/02/13 14:55h | join_team REPSKOPS (7246427) | |
27/02/13 08:06h | join_team Deleted account (7368891) | |
27/02/13 08:06h | join_team Deleted account (7368900) | |
14/04/13 06:28h | join_team SCUBA-GAMING (3353935) | |
15/04/13 10:56h | join_team CoroDailex (6600870) | |
26/04/13 07:52h | team_kick retired#FIN (7507304) / by ociriz (2511119) | |
26/04/13 08:50h | join_team Paranoia eSports Team Santa (7345756) | |
12/05/13 07:30h | leave_team Paranoia eSports Team Santa (7345756) | |
12/05/13 07:31h | join_team MIXCAT (6313924) | |
12/05/13 10:40h | team_kick MIXCAT (6313924) / by shaker (2485086) | |
15/05/13 18:04h | join_team MIXCAT (6313924) | |
22/06/13 17:39h | team_kick REPSKOPS (7246427) / by Deleted account (5807547) | |
28/06/13 16:53h | join_team PANTHERS (7811317) | |
30/06/13 06:35h | join_team plan B (5791210) | |
30/06/13 14:32h | first_login_esltv | |
01/07/13 05:55h | leave_team HyperX FR34KSHOW EMS (7148690) | |
01/07/13 05:56h | leave_team MIXCAT (6313924) | |
07/07/13 07:44h | join_team RIBS4ALL (7826238) | |
07/07/13 10:52h | join_team plan B staff (7536636) | |
07/07/13 21:31h | team_kick Deleted account (7368900) / by Deleted account (3806688) | |
07/07/13 21:44h | team_kick Deleted account (7368891) / by Deleted account (3806688) | |
14/07/13 07:40h | team_kick SCUBA-GAMING (3353935) / by ZeedeN (1799659) | |
15/08/13 09:54h | team_kick plan B staff (7536636) / by swagmaster (5657435) | |
15/08/13 09:55h | team_kick plan B (5791210) / by swagmaster (5657435) | |
29/08/13 11:25h | join_team retired#FIN (7507304) | |
03/10/13 16:30h | join_team jormanni/hermanni (7834036) | |
14/10/13 14:31h | register_team Kitarasoikoon (7992397) | |
31/10/13 13:35h | join_team ajuri (6569652) | |
17/11/13 13:48h | join_team ELÄKELÄISET.CSGO (7787989) | |
24/11/13 07:07h | join_team Teh Chosen Ones (5622535) | |
01/12/13 14:36h | team_kick ELÄKELÄISET.CSGO (7787989) / by gstus (2845339) | |
05/01/14 06:01h | team_kick RIBS4ALL (7826238) / by swagmaster (5657435) | |
05/01/14 06:52h | join_team RIBS4ALL (7826238) | |
13/04/14 06:17h | join_team Cuppitiimi (8336416) | |
25/06/14 14:42h | join_team ajuri CSGO (7655869) | |
10/07/14 17:06h | join_team K1ll3RS ESL oNe! (8490303) | |
21/07/14 12:52h | join_team (8365318) | |
21/07/14 19:11h | team_kick (8365318) / by Deleted account (3534436) | |
07/09/14 06:32h | join_team (7200893) | |
07/09/14 07:45h | team_kick retired#FIN (7507304) / by gstus (2845339) | |
06/11/14 10:10h | team_kick (7200893) / by sAw (3919427) | |
14/12/14 07:46h | team_kick RIBS4ALL (7826238) / by swagmaster (5657435) | |
26/01/15 10:24h | team_kick PANTHERS (7811317) / by swagmaster (5657435) | |
05/04/15 06:49h | join_team minttuCS (6639369) | |
12/04/15 07:29h | join_team Suhteellisen Kohta (4362986) | |
29/06/15 10:34h | leave_team CoroDailex (6600870) | |
29/06/15 14:22h | join_team pelittäjät (9197206) | |
20/10/15 17:59h | team_kick ajuri CSGO (7655869) / by Deleted account (5165578) | |
12/10/16 12:18h | join_team yakuzaGo (10472629) | |
17/10/16 08:28h | team_kick yakuzaGo (10472629) / by mipAi (5958197) | |
22/12/16 11:33h | first_login_sm | |
23/12/16 00:28h | first_login_sm | |
04/02/17 14:05h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
17/03/17 19:52h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
22/04/17 07:08h | join_team SJK eSports (11105040) | |
22/04/17 08:20h | team_kick SJK eSports (11105040) / by Deleted account (8924605) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick Teh Chosen Ones (5622535) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick Cuppitiimi (8336416) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick jormanni/hermanni (7834036) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick (7031405) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick K1ll3RS ESL oNe! (8490303) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick Kitarasoikoon (7992397) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick The MIPC Organization (4943225) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick MIPC (5207115) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick pelittäjät (9197206) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick minttuCS (6639369) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick ajuri (6569652) / by Daemon (3) | |
19/08/21 15:14h | team_kick Suhteellisen Kohta (4362986) / by Daemon (3) |