created | Platform | action |
27/01/07 06:05h | join_team Deleted account (1954447) | |
07/03/07 13:08h | join_team Deleted account (2265642) | |
17/05/07 12:16h | team_kick Deleted account (1954447) | |
20/05/07 17:51h | team_kick Deleted account (2265642) | |
09/02/08 10:19h | register_team In Memory of aGGp (3029817) | |
10/02/08 08:16h | register_team Deleted account (3031965) | |
10/02/08 08:21h | register_team FireBirds (3031974) | |
25/03/08 14:04h | register_team Deleted account (3135469) | |
25/03/08 16:23h | leave_team Deleted account (3135469) | |
23/09/08 08:32h | leave_team In Memory of aGGp (3029817) | |
08/10/08 10:20h | leave_team FireBirds (3031974) | |
19/11/08 12:26h | first_login_esltv | |
07/02/09 17:08h | join_team Deleted account (3847739) | |
10/02/09 13:32h | join_team Das Holz ist gut Bumm Bumm (3305899) | |
12/02/09 14:52h | first_login_eslworld | |
28/03/09 09:35h | join_team In Memory of aGGp (3029817) | |
18/05/09 07:30h | leave_team Deleted account (3847739) | |
18/05/09 07:30h | leave_team Das Holz ist gut Bumm Bumm (3305899) | |
28/09/09 13:33h | register_team Ein wildes Enton erscheint (4455794) | |
08/10/09 10:49h | register_team Uuuuund Rein!!! (4476833) | |
08/10/09 10:53h | join_team Team PerpleX (4476834) | |
05/01/10 14:38h | leave_team Team PerpleX (4476834) | |
06/05/10 15:29h | join_team Deleted account (5054396) | |
07/05/10 18:24h | join_team eXcited eSports (5056563) | |
19/06/10 10:05h | team_kick Deleted account (5054396) / by Deleted account (3441284) | |
19/06/10 10:07h | leave_team eXcited eSports (5056563) | |
20/06/10 06:09h | join_team rY.eSports (600897) | |
20/06/10 06:11h | join_team Viel Erfolg! (5139551) | |
28/12/10 11:27h | team_kick rY.eSports (600897) / by Clint (1610366) | |
25/11/12 12:56h | register_team causeWEcan e.V. (7332083) | |
05/02/13 07:42h | wanna_join_league Europe Dota 2 Cups 1on1 OnlyMid - WindRunner (5th February) | |
05/02/13 07:43h | join_league Europe Dota 2 Cups 1on1 OnlyMid - WindRunner (5th February) | |
05/02/13 11:52h | wanna_join_league Europe Dota 2 Cups 1on1 OnlyMid - WindRunner (5th February) | |
05/02/13 11:55h | join_league Europe Dota 2 Cups 1on1 OnlyMid - WindRunner (5th February) |