Miguel 'Dredz' Brito  id: 2507233
created Platform action
28/05/07 14:26h join_team  Super Krazy Killerz (2506912)
14/01/08 09:30h join_team  Multi Gaming Team Illusion (2962736)
26/01/08 07:38h team_kick  Super Krazy Killerz (2506912)
17/04/08 14:42h join_team  Deleted account (3184321)
10/05/08 10:17h team_kick  Multi Gaming Team Illusion (2962736)
19/05/08 13:50h join_team  AFRIKAN (3042794)
03/07/08 11:14h join_team  SnowBall Crashers (2418903)
16/07/08 19:53h team_kick  AFRIKAN (3042794)
02/11/08 15:02h join_team  Deleted account (3568951)
06/11/08 13:32h join_team  Deleted account (3619281)
16/11/08 18:07h leave_team  Deleted account (3619281)
16/11/08 18:08h leave_team  SnowBall Crashers (2418903)
16/11/08 18:08h register_team  Inviso Gaming (3642831)
17/11/08 13:45h team_kick  Deleted account (3568951) / by (-)
19/12/08 14:32h join_team  Evocom Gaming Organisation (3351987)
26/12/08 13:18h join_team  Deleted account (3728976)
06/01/09 14:27h team_kick  Deleted account (3728976) / by Deleted account (3557153)
14/03/09 11:50h join_team  uNfrag eSports (3813983)
14/03/09 11:52h join_team  Deleted account (3949492)
27/04/09 16:08h leave_team  Deleted account (3184321)
30/04/09 13:30h leave_team  Inviso Gaming (3642831)
30/04/09 13:30h leave_team  uNfrag eSports (3813983)
11/06/09 15:34h leave_team  Deleted account (3949492)
13/06/09 09:19h first_login_esltv 
23/06/09 17:14h join_team  ReV Gaming CSS (4225731)
04/10/09 10:55h first_login_eslworld 
17/10/09 16:44h join_team  Destructive Nature (4410621)
27/10/09 13:19h team_kick  Destructive Nature (4410621) / by sLbz (2506951)
30/11/09 09:30h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder
01/12/09 05:01h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder
16/01/10 23:55h inactivity_kick  Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder
14/02/10 18:08h team_kick  ReV Gaming CSS (4225731) / by Coontag (2962729)
16/02/10 11:25h join_team  DECKMONSTERS.LIDL (4846397)
17/06/10 16:03h join_team  SYNERGY.pt (5127906)
17/06/10 16:03h join_team  Deleted account (5127935)
29/07/10 20:03h leave_team  Deleted account (5127935)
29/07/10 20:04h join_team  SAMCLAN ESPORTS CLUB (1712035)
31/07/10 00:20h team_kick  SAMCLAN ESPORTS CLUB (1712035) / by Ammok (1534242)
06/08/10 11:33h join_team  Karma Clan of Games CS:GO (3386983)
22/08/10 10:40h register_team  Feeders (5264898)
09/09/10 12:55h team_kick  Karma Clan of Games CS:GO (3386983) / by Deleted account (3990161)
14/02/12 14:17h join_team  GW FURY (6320863)
17/03/12 10:45h team_kick  GW FURY (6320863) / by sLbz (2506951)
17/03/12 10:50h join_team  GW FURY (6320863)
22/03/12 20:00h join_team  Deleted account (6741718)
16/04/12 20:34h team_kick  GW FURY (6320863) / by Deleted account (5606617)
24/04/12 12:37h join_team  Deleted account (6811053)
04/05/12 13:35h join_team  Evolution Virtual Cry (5611555)
06/05/12 15:07h team_kick  Deleted account (6741718) / by sLbz (2506951)
27/05/12 21:32h team_kick  Deleted account (6811053) / by sLbz (2506951)
27/05/12 22:13h team_kick  Evolution Virtual Cry (5611555) / by sLbz (2506951)
05/07/12 15:36h join_team  As Ancoras (6934576)
25/07/12 12:36h register_team  heirmcomands (7041718)
25/03/13 16:09h join_team  Core Gamers E-Sports (7596436)
26/09/13 15:27h join_team  FTW.Com Magma (7868500)
28/10/13 12:00h team_kick  FTW.Com Magma (7868500) / by Deleted account (6094682)