created | Platform | action |
17/07/07 14:17h | first_login_default | |
17/07/07 14:45h | join_team Deleted account (2607882) | |
18/07/07 12:20h | change_xfire -> nick64 | |
11/08/07 16:33h | team_kick Deleted account (2607882) | |
30/08/07 15:03h | join_team Revolution (2687987) | |
15/09/07 14:41h | join_team Revolution (2719377) | |
15/09/07 17:17h | team_kick Revolution (2719377) | |
14/11/07 09:52h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
14/11/07 09:56h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
11/12/07 12:41h | join_team Honorary Stars (2891503) | |
24/12/07 16:49h | register_team Deleted account (2925699) | |
31/12/07 14:15h | register_team Deleted account (2940167) | |
31/12/07 15:18h | register_team Deleted account (2940224) | |
19/04/08 07:37h | join_team Fuck BF2 aber jeder spielt es trotzdem (3172002) | |
22/04/08 11:29h | join_team Vegeta's World (3187825) | |
05/06/08 09:14h | join_team Einmal Cheater - immer Cheater v2 (1298805) | |
07/06/08 06:42h | leave_team Revolution (2687987) | |
01/07/08 13:55h | join_team - We aRe oNe (3140456) | |
06/07/08 07:48h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
06/07/08 13:17h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
30/07/08 08:05h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
17/10/08 16:17h | join_team Revolution (2687987) | |
20/10/08 08:46h | register_team Deleted account (3582252) | |
10/04/09 18:42h | join_team Rodgauer Spielerbank (1303884) | |
18/04/09 08:16h | first_login_esltv | |
27/07/15 16:29h | leave_team - We aRe oNe (3140456) | |
27/07/15 16:31h | leave_team Rodgauer Spielerbank (1303884) | |
27/07/15 16:32h | leave_team Einmal Cheater - immer Cheater v2 (1298805) | |
27/07/15 16:32h | leave_team Fuck BF2 aber jeder spielt es trotzdem (3172002) | |
30/05/16 11:52h | change_xfire nick64 -> | |
30/05/16 12:19h | register_team Cörrys & Cörry-Carrys (10153494) | |
30/05/16 12:21h | register_team Cörrys & Cörry-Carrys (10153498) | |
30/05/16 12:26h | register_team Cörrys & Cörry-Carrys (10153518) | |
03/06/16 03:41h | join_team CARRY DEUTSCHLAND (9217817) | |
03/06/16 03:53h | leave_team CARRY DEUTSCHLAND (9217817) | |
03/06/16 13:37h | join_team CARRY DEUTSCHLAND (9217817) | |
09/07/24 14:50h | team_kick Vegeta's World (3187825) / by Daemon (3) | |
09/07/24 14:50h | team_kick Honorary Stars (2891503) / by Daemon (3) | |
09/07/24 14:50h | team_kick Revolution (2687987) / by Daemon (3) | |
09/07/24 14:50h | team_kick Cörrys & Cörry-Carrys (10153494) / by Daemon (3) | |
09/07/24 14:50h | team_kick Cörrys & Cörry-Carrys (10153498) / by Daemon (3) | |
09/07/24 14:50h | team_kick Cörrys & Cörry-Carrys (10153518) / by Daemon (3) | |
09/07/24 14:50h | team_kick CARRY DEUTSCHLAND (9217817) / by Daemon (3) |