created | Platform | action |
10/09/07 14:39h | first_login_default | |
12/09/07 07:54h | join_team Greek Operation Forces Call Of Duty 2 Division (2705382) | |
27/09/07 03:53h | change_xfire -> airborner2amal | |
12/01/09 05:37h | wanna_join_league Europe Football Manager 2009 1on1 Ladder | |
13/01/09 10:24h | join_league Europe Football Manager 2009 1on1 Ladder | |
13/02/09 05:24h | join_team Greek Operation Forces (2822947) | |
13/02/09 15:35h | join_team Olympiakos (1837469) | |
09/03/09 04:18h | first_login_eslworld | |
27/03/09 06:02h | first_login_esltv | |
14/04/09 04:45h | first_login_esltv | |
19/05/09 03:11h | wanna_join_league GR Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
19/05/09 03:18h | join_league GR Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
10/06/09 07:19h | join_team Deleted account (4187232) | |
22/06/09 08:31h | join_team ESL Greece (1484099) | |
29/06/09 05:06h | join_team Greek Operation Forces Americas Army Division (2689123) | |
29/06/09 05:07h | join_team Greek Operation Forces Battlefield 2142 Division (2705361) | |
29/06/09 05:07h | join_team Greek Operation Forces Company Of Heroes Division (2705387) | |
29/06/09 05:10h | join_team Greek Operation Forces DoD Source Division (2705388) | |
29/06/09 05:10h | join_team Greek Operation Forces (1687563) | |
12/07/09 16:25h | join_team Greek Operation Forces (2704306) | |
11/08/09 22:44h | inactivity_kick GR Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
25/08/09 19:25h | join_team Greek Operation Forces Armed Assault Division (2705366) | |
02/09/09 06:22h | register_team Deleted account (4397605) | |
06/09/09 08:53h | register_team GROF.COD4 Premiership Squad B (4407460) | |
26/11/09 05:40h | join_team Dromos Fm 89.8 (4590844) | |
03/12/09 03:55h | join_team Deleted account (4286198) | |
24/12/09 07:56h | join_team Team Greece (4653397) | |
20/01/10 14:24h | team_kick Greek Operation Forces (2704306) / by Deleted account (584562) | |
01/02/10 16:41h | join_team Greek Operation Forces (2704306) | |
09/02/10 18:14h | join_team DELETE (3019589) | |
09/02/10 18:16h | join_team Epsilon eSports (3612452) | |
09/02/10 18:21h | join_team DELETE (4826691) | |
08/03/10 04:42h | register_team Deleted account (4912362) | |
16/03/10 13:02h | join_team Greek Operation Forces (4931143) | |
23/03/10 07:31h | join_team Deleted account (4950848) | |
23/03/10 07:34h | leave_team Dromos Fm 89.8 (4590844) | |
23/03/10 07:35h | leave_team Greek Operation Forces DoD Source Division (2705388) | |
23/03/10 07:35h | leave_team Greek Operation Forces Company Of Heroes Division (2705387) | |
23/03/10 07:36h | leave_team Greek Operation Forces Battlefield 2142 Division (2705361) | |
23/03/10 07:36h | leave_team Greek Operation Forces Armed Assault Division (2705366) | |
23/03/10 07:36h | leave_team Greek Operation Forces Americas Army Division (2689123) | |
13/04/10 06:47h | join_team x9-syndrome (5006542) | |
27/04/10 03:54h | leave_team x9-syndrome (5006542) | |
07/05/10 16:24h | team_kick DELETE (3019589) / by Deleted account (3198061) | |
14/05/10 18:43h | leave_team Epsilon eSports (3612452) | |
14/05/10 18:44h | leave_team Greek Operation Forces (4931143) | |
14/05/10 18:44h | leave_team Greek Operation Forces (1687563) | |
14/05/10 18:45h | leave_team Greek Operation Forces Call Of Duty 2 Division (2705382) | |
14/05/10 18:49h | register_team Team Refuse (5070555) | |
14/05/10 19:07h | register_team Team Refuse (5070576) | |
14/05/10 19:39h | register_team Deleted account (5070612) | |
30/06/10 14:35h | join_team Team Refuse (5118787) | |
13/07/10 02:47h | leave_team DELETE (4826691) | |
18/07/10 05:04h | register_team Deleted account (5188217) | |
20/07/10 11:44h | leave_team Greek Operation Forces (2704306) | |
20/07/10 11:45h | join_team SUPERVILLAINS (3471963) | |
25/08/10 04:57h | join_team Deleted account (5255063) | |
31/08/10 14:02h | join_team Deleted account (5269533) | |
18/09/10 16:56h | join_team Legend (2611098) | |
11/10/10 05:33h | join_team Team Refuse (5374686) | |
03/11/10 16:49h | leave_team Legend (2611098) | |
03/11/10 16:51h | register_team Deleted account (5424336) | |
08/11/10 13:24h | join_team Deleted account (5432824) | |
08/11/10 13:24h | join_team Deleted account (5434366) | |
16/11/10 04:57h | register_team Deleted account (5450896) | |
07/12/10 06:07h | register_team Deleted account (5495171) | |
07/01/11 09:03h | team_kick Deleted account (5434366) / by Deleted account (2345621) | |
20/01/11 08:10h | team_kick Deleted account (4950848) / by dfk_7677 (3430868) | |
03/03/11 17:06h | join_team SUPERVILLAINS (5712695) | |
09/03/11 18:07h | team_kick ESL Greece (1484099) / by algidon (374242) | |
25/03/11 12:03h | join_team r3Vegna (5126928) | |
28/03/11 09:34h | leave_team r3Vegna (5126928) | |
04/04/11 09:11h | join_team Team Refuse (5442493) | |
20/12/11 19:12h | join_team TBA (6355854) | |
06/01/12 11:43h | team_kick TBA (6355854) / by Deleted account (2438609) | |
19/02/12 12:32h | join_team Ambush (6642925) | |
22/02/12 18:43h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle | |
11/03/12 07:54h | join_team TCM-Gaming (6287679) | |
15/03/12 15:29h | team_kick TCM-Gaming (6287679) / by Deleted account (2234602) | |
11/05/12 16:53h | join_team Deleted account (6864654) | |
31/05/12 08:06h | join_team we like apples (6484674) | |
07/09/12 19:38h | register_team Deleted account (7157169) | |
20/11/12 15:54h | register_team HERO (7321201) | |
26/11/12 14:34h | join_team Deleted account (7296098) | |
29/11/12 16:50h | join_team Deleted account (7338887) | |
30/11/12 06:04h | leave_team HERO (7321201) | |
14/12/12 15:56h | join_team Legendary Forces CoD (6334251) | |
17/12/12 06:03h | team_kick Legendary Forces CoD (6334251) / by destRo (5550177) | |
26/12/12 13:49h | join_team Legendary Forces CoD (6334251) | |
26/12/12 14:40h | team_kick Legendary Forces CoD (6334251) / by destRo (5550177) | |
09/02/13 16:50h | join_team Different Dimension eSports (7174372) | |
22/03/13 08:04h | join_team Deleted account (7605844) | |
23/03/13 15:32h | join_team Different Dimension (7059538) | |
03/04/13 16:37h | team_kick Different Dimension eSports (7174372) / by WouLou (6602870) | |
03/04/13 16:37h | team_kick Different Dimension (7059538) / by WouLou (6602870) | |
23/05/13 14:40h | register_team Deleted account (7743071) | |
25/07/13 05:15h | team_kick Deleted account (4187232) / by BaLanCe (1747940) | |
29/08/13 15:41h | join_team Black Unicorns (7826543) | |
02/09/13 09:20h | join_team infectedNation (7477777) | |
15/01/14 06:10h | leave_team infectedNation (7477777) | |
15/01/14 06:11h | leave_team Black Unicorns (7826543) | |
15/01/14 07:38h | register_team Team Refuse (8171576) | |
27/07/14 06:21h | register_team Team Refuse EES (8534246) | |
07/12/14 12:28h | join_team Team Refuse (8666283) | |
08/06/15 17:22h | join_team Valkyrie (9131064) | |
26/06/15 14:30h | join_team Team Refuse (9189519) | |
23/09/15 05:25h | team_kick Team Refuse (9189519) / by Deleted account (5622321) | |
21/10/15 07:10h | register_team Deleted account (9502355) | |
21/10/15 12:40h | join_team Team Refuse CSGO (9501763) |