LoRenz  id: 2777261
created Platform action
16/10/07 08:06h first_login_default 
18/10/07 13:10h join_team  Deleted account (2781652)
24/10/07 07:01h team_kick  Deleted account (2781652)
07/01/08 08:08h join_team  Deleted account (2792585)
05/03/08 14:03h change_xfire  -> undertaker199012
06/05/08 08:39h team_kick  Deleted account (2792585) / by Deleted account (33)
13/06/08 09:44h wanna_join_league  ITA MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
13/06/08 12:29h join_league  ITA MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
18/06/08 17:28h join_team  Deleted account (3191904)
19/06/08 09:39h wanna_join_league  ITA Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
19/06/08 09:40h wanna_join_league  ITA Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
19/06/08 09:45h join_league  ITA Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
19/06/08 09:45h join_league  ITA Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
24/06/08 09:10h join_team  Deleted account (2595064)
25/06/08 16:43h join_team  NYZ aNd F r i E n d S (2816481)
26/06/08 17:26h join_team  DIRITTO di bestemmia (2701296)
28/06/08 04:26h leave_league  ITA MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
14/07/08 13:47h leave_league  ITA Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
14/07/08 13:47h leave_league  ITA Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
25/07/08 14:10h leave_team  Deleted account (3191904)
25/09/08 19:57h join_team  Deleted account (3404161)
01/10/08 05:48h join_team  Gli Anti-BBK (3539750)
11/10/08 08:55h first_login_eslworld 
05/11/08 12:41h join_team  Wita SoS (3577193)
30/11/08 16:31h join_team  t A z's fun club (3677310)
05/01/09 08:45h join_team  ANTI NERD (3760543)
05/01/09 15:36h join_team  Chi Non Ama i Rosiconi (3760716)
05/01/09 18:53h leave_team  ANTI NERD (3760543)
16/01/09 05:41h join_team  ProGaming.it (1899659)
30/01/09 18:59h first_login_esltv 
08/04/09 09:46h register_team  Wita 3on3 Ladder (4024294)
08/04/09 10:11h leave_team  Wita SoS (3577193)
10/02/10 07:58h join_team  Deleted account (4826704)
02/04/10 19:05h team_kick  Deleted account (4826704) / by Deleted account (3901091)
19/09/10 05:25h team_kick  Deleted account (2595064) / by Red John (1954601)
25/11/10 12:27h join_team  Deleted account (5469785)
20/01/11 15:11h first_login_esltv 
22/01/11 04:18h first_login_esltv