created | Platform | action |
30/11/07 15:26h | first_login_esltv | |
30/11/07 15:35h | first_login_default | |
01/09/09 14:02h | join_team x1x3x3x7x (4358604) | |
07/09/09 17:04h | leave_team x1x3x3x7x (4358604) | |
13/09/09 10:42h | join_team Posa is n Bob (4424193) | |
25/10/09 10:36h | register_team FanBoy Killers (4519644) | |
26/10/09 18:25h | join_team Stofftiere Online e.V. L4D (3657555) | |
09/11/09 11:32h | join_team SFTO eSports (641946) | |
14/01/10 17:33h | wanna_join_league Europe Zero Gear 1on1 The first gear | |
14/01/10 18:30h | join_league Europe Zero Gear 1on1 The first gear | |
15/02/10 09:25h | join_team Deleted account (4706528) | |
27/02/10 14:35h | leave_team Stofftiere Online e.V. L4D (3657555) | |
27/02/10 14:45h | leave_team SFTO eSports (641946) | |
10/03/10 13:17h | leave_team Deleted account (4706528) | |
18/07/10 09:52h | join_league Europe StarCraft II Beta 1on1 I Lost In Another Cup #1 (Sun 18. July) | |
18/07/10 12:19h | wanna_join_league Europe StarCraft II Beta 1on1 Bronze Cup #1 (Sun 18. July) | |
18/07/10 12:21h | join_league Europe StarCraft II Beta 1on1 Bronze Cup #1 (Sun 18. July) | |
28/07/10 18:02h | join_team herp derp (5210387) | |
18/08/10 09:17h | first_login_eslworld | |
30/11/10 10:39h | join_team Nachteulen CS:S (5444346) | |
22/01/11 14:40h | first_login_america | |
30/01/11 16:34h | join_team Die Affenstullen (5632627) | |
19/02/11 08:33h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
22/02/11 13:29h | join_team lulz (4817597) | |
31/03/11 17:33h | join_team Die Superaffenstullen vol.1 (5795156) | |
05/04/11 14:14h | join_team Die Handgunaffenstullen (5807623) | |
06/11/11 13:15h | join_team Pussy-Club (4186957) | |
14/11/11 15:11h | team_kick Deleted account (6166605) / by Deleted account (3334044) | |
26/12/11 10:19h | join_team daddeln mit freunden (6471974) | |
23/02/12 11:06h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle | |
28/09/12 17:29h | join_team Deleted account (6724169) | |
07/10/12 10:17h | join_team mal reingeeken (7179554) | |
21/10/12 17:05h | join_team STADIUMTOURISTEN (7248155) | |
22/10/12 17:39h | team_kick Deleted account (6724169) / by Deleted account (3529909) | |
27/10/12 10:10h | join_team Deleted account (7256758) | |
09/11/12 12:05h | join_team knubschelle (6717204) | |
19/03/13 19:05h | join_team vorherrschaft (7174662) | |
18/04/13 12:49h | join_team 3on3 der Vatikan (7674803) | |
18/05/13 17:01h | join_team Deleted account (7734426) | |
07/06/13 09:40h | team_kick Deleted account (7734426) / by Deleted account (1394055) | |
21/09/13 14:17h | join_team unwanted content (7878785) | |
06/10/13 13:38h | join_team Neues TEAM (7973364) | |
07/10/13 13:23h | join_team Deleted account (7979008) | |
07/10/13 13:25h | join_team Deleted account (7979067) | |
07/10/13 13:25h | team_kick Deleted account (7979008) / by Deleted account (1894179) | |
09/10/13 13:10h | team_kick Deleted account (7979067) / by Deleted account (1599361) | |
15/11/13 19:08h | team_kick mal reingeeken (7179554) / by jooonatz (1618342) | |
09/12/13 10:48h | team_kick Deleted account (7256758) / by jooonatz (1618342) | |
04/01/14 08:31h | join_team Nico regelt eh (8126070) | |
26/07/14 20:27h | decrease_trustlevel 5 -> 0 | |
30/04/17 06:32h | join_team noch nicht wach (11254112) |