João 'Coontag' Braga  id: 2962729
created Platform action
10/01/08 18:08h first_login_default 
10/01/08 18:09h register_team  Multi Gaming Team Illusion (2962736)
24/02/08 20:22h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
27/02/08 01:58h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
01/09/08 20:29h leave_team  Multi Gaming Team Illusion (2962736)
02/09/08 20:34h join_team  Deleted account (3361689)
09/09/08 21:21h join_team  Deleted account (3481517)
27/12/08 07:35h team_kick  Deleted account (3361689) / by Deleted account (3639938)
09/02/09 19:13h register_team  Deleted account (3853658)
15/03/09 13:16h join_team  uNfrag eSports (3813983)
16/03/09 15:37h join_team  Deleted account (3949492)
18/03/09 14:44h register_team  Deleted account (3967402)
23/03/09 21:31h leave_team  uNfrag eSports (3813983)
28/05/09 15:15h first_login_eslworld 
15/06/09 14:21h leave_team  Deleted account (3949492)
15/06/09 14:24h wanna_join_league  POR TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 XL Party Series#2
15/06/09 14:35h wanna_join_league  Europe TrackMania Nations Forever Competition 1on1 Rounds Ladder
15/06/09 15:04h join_league  Europe TrackMania Nations Forever Competition 1on1 Rounds Ladder
15/06/09 15:34h join_league  POR TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 XL Party Series#2
16/06/09 16:51h register_team  Deleted account (4205864)
23/06/09 15:53h register_team  ReV Gaming CSS (4225731)
02/07/09 10:54h first_login_esltv 
21/07/09 20:47h first_login_esltv 
29/07/09 22:39h inactivity_kick  Europe TrackMania Nations Forever Competition 1on1 Rounds Ladder
02/09/09 21:33h join_team  Revoltados eSports (1835676)
02/09/09 21:41h team_kick  Revoltados eSports (1835676) / by Deleted account (2399053)
15/02/10 14:12h register_team  Deleted account (4844441)
15/02/10 14:33h leave_team  Deleted account (4844441)
01/03/10 16:50h register_team  Dimension9 eSports Club (4893728)
25/03/10 08:12h join_team  Deleted account (4958207)
03/08/10 12:45h leave_team  ReV Gaming CSS (4225731)
03/08/10 13:04h join_team  ESL Portugal (785601)
03/08/10 13:05h join_team  Deleted account (4712595)
12/08/10 16:55h join_team  Deleted account (5185557)
15/08/10 17:09h team_kick  Deleted account (5185557) / by Deleted account (4045051)
20/08/10 13:37h join_team  exotic (3798773)
20/08/10 14:18h join_team  KARMA League of Legends (5214020)
22/08/10 03:57h leave_team  exotic (3798773)
25/08/10 08:16h team_kick  Deleted account (4958207) / by Deleted account (3028142)
27/08/10 14:48h leave_team  Dimension9 eSports Club (4893728)
11/09/10 15:36h join_team  Dimension9 eSports Club (4893728)
19/09/10 16:52h join_team  Karma Clan of Games CS:GO (3386983)
01/10/10 07:00h team_kick  Karma Clan of Games CS:GO (3386983) / by Deleted account (1382618)
11/11/10 16:33h register_team  Deleted account (5441723)
24/11/10 02:21h first_login_consoles 
09/12/10 15:36h first_login_consoles 
10/12/10 17:03h register_team  Saltimbancos (5502577)
13/01/11 19:14h join_team  Deleted account (4398239)
19/01/11 14:16h join_team  Exillium (5582804)
14/02/11 06:41h join_team  brOs squad (3205926)
03/03/11 20:45h team_kick  brOs squad (3205926) / by Deleted account (3218402)
10/04/11 22:38h join_team  Tou com BUG! (5821248)
27/04/11 14:03h join_team  Deleted account (5841697)
27/04/11 15:29h leave_team  Tou com BUG! (5821248)
27/04/11 15:31h leave_team  Deleted account (5841697)
27/04/11 15:32h join_team  Team FragFury (5781674)
17/11/11 07:18h team_kick  ESL Portugal (785601) / by Zurike (3103702)
06/01/12 11:07h join_team  Virtual-Effect.Adv (2605600)
15/01/12 12:34h join_team  Absolutia Gaming (5243459)
23/02/12 10:20h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle
24/02/12 12:58h wanna_join_league  POR Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Go4 CS:GO Beta
24/02/12 14:45h join_league  POR Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Go4 CS:GO Beta
10/07/12 06:55h join_team  JUNKIES. SIRIUS (6761436)
25/07/12 16:33h join_team  Junkies CS:Source (4877379)
16/03/13 22:08h join_team  Core Gamers E-Sports (7596436)
13/09/13 17:31h join_team  LFORG (7937832)
16/03/14 17:27h join_team  Team Combo Wombo (6341272)
24/08/15 15:23h join_team  PROSHOCK (9146580)
05/10/15 15:48h team_kick  PROSHOCK (9146580) / by Deleted account (3401114)
31/07/19 12:08h join_team  formaNERVOSA v2 (13873780)