DeiB  id: 3174774
created Platform action
13/04/08 08:22h first_login_default 
13/04/08 08:24h join_team  Deleted account (3158311)
19/05/08 17:51h team_kick  Deleted account (3158311)
14/07/08 16:14h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
14/07/08 20:53h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
15/07/08 13:01h leave_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
16/08/08 08:57h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
16/08/08 14:47h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
16/08/08 19:28h join_team  Deleted account (3419530)
09/09/08 04:25h team_kick  Deleted account (3419530)
09/03/09 09:46h join_team  z3 sQuAD 3 (3474577)
09/03/09 09:52h change_xfire  -> trogo86
03/08/09 15:39h team_kick  z3 sQuAD 3 (3474577) / by Deleted account (3210352)
20/09/09 08:44h join_team  Deleted account (4438255)
15/10/09 10:14h team_kick  Deleted account (4438255) / by tomb1no (4348203)
10/03/10 18:05h wanna_join_league  ES Counter-Strike 1on1 Aim Ladder
10/03/10 18:11h join_league  ES Counter-Strike 1on1 Aim Ladder
11/03/10 16:51h join_team  Deleted account (4920068)
17/03/10 06:59h join_team  Deleted account (4937234)
04/04/10 19:15h join_team  xFire e-Sports Club (4973255)
04/04/10 19:16h leave_team  Deleted account (4920068)
09/04/10 07:15h wanna_join_league  ES Counter-Strike 1on1 Aim Cup Abril
09/04/10 07:59h join_league  ES Counter-Strike 1on1 Aim Cup Abril
10/04/10 06:51h first_login_esltv 
10/05/10 19:01h first_login_esltv 
22/05/10 21:02h inactivity_kick  ES Counter-Strike 1on1 Aim Ladder
18/07/10 09:43h team_kick  xFire e-Sports Club (4973255) / by Deleted account (4822404)
06/08/10 17:10h join_team  SIR (5224972)
25/08/10 02:17h team_kick  SIR (5224972) / by Deleted account (5223677)
13/10/10 19:10h join_team  Yes, We are Premade (5366050)
13/10/10 19:12h leave_team  Deleted account (4937234)
25/10/10 18:45h team_kick  Yes, We are Premade (5366050) / by Deleted account (4386791)
26/10/10 16:07h join_team  Yes, We are Premade (5366050)
07/11/10 07:52h leave_team  Yes, We are Premade (5366050)
21/12/10 14:40h wanna_join_league  ES League of Legends 1on1 Saturday Cup #1
21/12/10 14:48h join_league  ES League of Legends 1on1 Saturday Cup #1
17/02/14 07:29h wanna_join_league  ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
17/02/14 15:18h join_league  ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
19/02/14 20:51h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
20/02/14 01:14h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
22/02/14 07:09h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Series - Howling Abyss
28/03/14 19:20h kicked_from_league_ac  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
13/04/14 19:01h inactivity_kick  ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
28/04/14 21:10h wanna_join_league  ES Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 3k Cup #3
30/04/14 05:52h join_league  ES Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 3k Cup #3
07/10/14 10:33h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
07/10/14 10:34h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
07/10/14 13:31h wanna_join_league  ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
07/10/14 13:35h join_league  ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
04/11/14 19:06h inactivity_kick  ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
26/11/14 19:07h inactivity_kick  ESL Play League of Legends EU West League of Legends Open LoL Open Ladder 1on1 EU West
01/08/16 06:55h join_league  ESL Play CR 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
13/09/16 18:44h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CR 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
14/10/16 13:06h join_league  ESL Play CR 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
15/10/16 10:20h join_league  ESL Play CR 1on1 Kick-off Cup Red #23 Global
16/10/16 08:16h join_league  ESL Play Clash Royale Mobcrush Cup #2 Red
16/10/16 08:17h join_league  ESL Play Clash Royale Mobcrush Cup #2 Blue
16/10/16 08:18h join_league  ESL Play CR 1on1 Kick-off Cup Red #24 Global
22/10/16 12:33h join_league  ESL Play CR 1on1 Kick-off Cup Blue #25 Global
22/10/16 12:34h leave_league  ESL Play CR 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
30/10/16 13:18h join_league  ESL Play CR 1on1 Kings Ladder Global
11/12/16 18:43h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CR 1on1 King's Ladder Global
13/10/18 09:16h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Brillante Go4ClashRoyale Spain #40
13/10/18 09:27h join_league  ESL Play Brillante Go4ClashRoyale Spain #40