Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (2) Rating Gameaccounts History RUDLISI id: 3344591 created Platform action 05/07/08 22:43h first_login_default 06/09/09 08:15h first_login_esltv 06/09/09 08:16h join_team Deleted account (4407338) 12/09/09 18:25h team_kick Deleted account (4407338) / by k1 (1791624) 18/09/09 18:52h join_team Good Job Team (3904946) 18/09/09 18:58h change_xfire -> ahmetsinantamer 30/10/09 21:55h first_login_eslworld 30/12/09 19:50h first_login_america 17/01/10 00:09h first_login_esltv 23/02/10 17:29h join_team dirge of cerberus (4872466) 07/03/10 09:15h first_login_esltv 10/03/10 17:34h first_login_esltv 13/03/10 08:56h join_team Deleted account (4926752) 18/03/10 12:13h leave_team dirge of cerberus (4872466) 03/01/11 10:18h team_kick Good Job Team (3904946) / by cobaiN (3690027) 19/04/16 17:25h change_xfire ahmetsinantamer -> 10/01/17 11:40h join_team Good Job Team (3904946) 08/09/17 09:21h team_kick Good Job Team (3904946) / by cobaiN (3690027) 31/05/18 02:22h register_team Retired Shooters (12523591) 31/05/18 02:47h join_roster for team #12523591 in PUBG DUO Community Cup #1 Turkey #176606 31/05/18 04:23h join_roster for team #12523591 in PUBG SQUAD Community Cup #1 Turkey #176817 02/06/18 05:51h join_roster for team #12523591 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #2 Europe #175883 08/06/18 10:24h join_roster for team #12523591 in PUBG DUO Community Cup #2 Turkey #177338 09/06/18 03:50h join_roster for team #12523591 in PUBG SQUAD Community Cup #2 Turkey #177179 09/06/18 07:00h join_roster for team #12523591 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #3 Europe #175884 09/06/18 07:00h join_roster for team #12523591 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #4 Europe #175927 10/06/18 07:48h join_roster for team #12523591 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #4 Europe #175927 28/06/23 17:53h team_kick Retired Shooters (12523591) / by Daemon (3)