created | Platform | action |
16/07/08 04:53h | first_login_default | |
15/11/08 11:40h | join_team pH (3250982) | |
15/07/09 18:34h | team_kick pH (3250982) / by Deleted account (2272200) | |
17/07/09 10:43h | join_team Deleted account (4286307) | |
25/09/09 09:19h | join_team Royal Dod Army (4448238) | |
22/10/09 10:53h | join_team Solarstorm Gaming (3263140) | |
14/11/09 04:55h | team_kick Solarstorm Gaming (3263140) / by Deleted account (1994667) | |
11/04/10 12:42h | join_team SSEM (5003348) | |
20/04/10 12:12h | team_kick Deleted account (4286307) / by Deleted account (4042233) | |
12/06/10 15:53h | join_team BrainDamage (5098099) | |
02/07/10 12:07h | first_login_esltv | |
26/09/10 10:44h | join_team petit gamer (4924244) | |
08/10/10 15:32h | leave_team petit gamer (4924244) | |
12/10/10 11:06h | leave_team BrainDamage (5098099) | |
20/10/10 16:39h | join_team wolfen-dragoners (713211) | |
17/12/10 17:41h | join_team maagic (5331240) | |
29/12/10 03:15h | team_kick maagic (5331240) / by Deleted account (2188372) | |
12/01/11 16:28h | join_team Always Kill AddiQt ! (5583366) | |
27/11/11 12:11h | join_team Les Vieux Amis (6293940) | |
13/02/12 13:55h | join_team Deleted account (6621584) | |
18/03/12 09:40h | leave_team Les Vieux Amis (6293940) | |
18/03/12 13:18h | join_team BrainLess .DOD:S (6731993) | |
22/03/12 14:06h | leave_team Deleted account (6621584) | |
11/06/12 16:32h | join_team STRONG EXTRATERRESTRIAL POWERS (6903620) | |
05/05/13 10:17h | join_team NBTMFDP (7707588) | |
07/12/15 16:00h | join_team riSe.Crew (9633828) | |
12/10/16 14:34h | join_team Team Amazed (10084738) | |
19/10/16 13:42h | leave_team NBTMFDP (7707588) | |
19/10/16 13:42h | leave_team STRONG EXTRATERRESTRIAL POWERS (6903620) | |
19/10/16 13:42h | leave_team riSe.Crew (9633828) | |
03/11/16 15:29h | join_team kLeenex (10625462) | |
03/11/16 15:53h | join_team NoRo (10625566) | |
05/11/16 13:52h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
08/11/16 13:32h | join_team Play like kenny (10646138) | |
17/11/16 08:58h | join_team AEFY.5K (10675779) | |
20/12/16 18:48h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
10/01/17 21:07h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
29/01/17 17:02h | join_team o'talent (9065840) | |
23/02/17 18:49h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
05/04/17 14:30h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
09/04/17 11:06h | join_team The Chinese Crew (11172365) | |
09/04/17 11:09h | leave_team Play like kenny (10646138) | |
09/04/17 11:09h | leave_team kLeenex (10625462) | |
09/04/17 11:09h | leave_team NoRo (10625566) | |
12/04/17 17:17h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
23/04/17 17:37h | leave_team The Chinese Crew (11172365) | |
22/05/17 18:50h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
25/05/17 18:56h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
19/08/17 12:17h | join_team The Chinese Crew (11172365) | |
08/03/20 17:40h | join_team Critical eSport (14846227) |