created | Platform | action |
04/09/08 17:29h | first_login_default | |
04/09/08 17:35h | join_team HED KANDi (3477991) | |
21/11/08 17:52h | first_login_esltv | |
01/02/09 10:38h | join_team Deleted account (3782900) | |
04/02/09 17:52h | leave_team Deleted account (3782900) | |
04/02/09 17:55h | join_team Deleted account (3666703) | |
28/05/09 17:14h | join_team Arm3D (4106647) | |
19/06/09 21:14h | first_login_esportsaward | |
15/11/09 18:26h | join_team polarity uk (4362855) | |
07/12/09 17:40h | leave_team Deleted account (3666703) | |
07/12/09 17:42h | leave_team Arm3D (4106647) | |
02/03/10 14:34h | join_team Imperial eSports (3543319) | |
23/03/10 12:40h | join_team The Imperial.UK EMS (4953337) | |
27/04/10 19:52h | first_login_eslworld | |
14/07/10 12:51h | join_team POFER (4116991) | |
21/07/10 12:17h | join_team PROPANE AND PROPANE ACESSORIES (5194183) | |
04/09/10 06:45h | join_team Deleted account (5283659) | |
18/09/10 12:58h | team_kick Imperial eSports (3543319) / by oLi- (3482671) | |
18/09/10 13:25h | leave_team Deleted account (5283659) | |
18/09/10 16:15h | join_team RG-Esports (4877026) | |
20/09/10 14:13h | join_team RAGE-Gaming EMS (5330495) | |
21/09/10 22:21h | first_login_america | |
16/01/11 18:10h | join_team Team Anarchy (5464474) | |
17/01/11 14:34h | leave_team The Imperial.UK EMS (4953337) | |
17/01/11 14:35h | leave_team PROPANE AND PROPANE ACESSORIES (5194183) | |
17/01/11 14:35h | leave_team POFER (4116991) | |
17/01/11 14:35h | leave_team RAGE-Gaming EMS (5330495) | |
17/01/11 15:00h | team_kick Team Anarchy (5464474) / by TheRogue (761483) | |
18/01/11 09:00h | team_kick RG-Esports (4877026) / by TheRogue (761483) | |
27/02/11 11:46h | join_team Team Anarchy (5464474) | |
31/10/11 20:37h | join_team Team Anarchy (6326935) | |
29/11/11 16:03h | join_team prawnz0rz (6404246) | |
04/09/14 17:30h | register_team sNipERw0LFS (8605369) |