created | Platform | action |
28/09/08 02:25h | first_login_default | |
20/11/08 14:16h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
23/10/09 13:48h | join_team Dillon Panthers CUP (3843933) | |
23/10/09 14:19h | team_kick Dillon Panthers CUP (3843933) / by crisby (1497658) | |
25/12/09 09:48h | join_team The Smiths (4680563) | |
25/12/09 09:49h | join_team The Smiths - 2v2 (4680568) | |
25/12/09 14:33h | join_team road to nowhere (4681333) | |
25/12/09 14:44h | leave_team road to nowhere (4681333) | |
29/12/09 13:05h | join_team road to nowhere (4681333) | |
05/03/10 08:09h | first_login_esltv | |
05/03/10 08:10h | first_login_eslworld | |
12/11/10 19:49h | decrease_trustlevel 1 -> 0 | |
28/01/14 13:30h | join_team WILDCATS Gaming (8192283) | |
18/03/14 14:42h | team_kick WILDCATS Gaming (8192283) / by r0bsn (2506782) | |
03/05/15 06:57h | join_team Be a Bee (8987264) | |
30/07/15 13:10h | join_team meritocracy (9254709) | |
30/07/15 13:41h | join_team Wir bezahlen euch Vollzeit (6450492) | |
08/08/15 18:19h | team_kick Wir bezahlen euch Vollzeit (6450492) / by Rene_ (2718497) | |
13/12/15 05:59h | join_team instalose (9669572) | |
20/01/16 12:46h | team_kick meritocracy (9254709) / by Deleted account (1698651) | |
23/12/16 04:31h | first_login_sm | |
23/04/17 14:07h | join_team Cillit Bang (11231954) | |
02/02/19 12:12h | join_team Enchanted Power (13250951) | |
12/03/23 11:51h | team_kick Enchanted Power (13250951) / by Daemon (3) | |
12/03/23 11:51h | team_kick Be a Bee (8987264) / by Daemon (3) | |
12/03/23 11:51h | team_kick instalose (9669572) / by Daemon (3) | |
12/03/23 11:51h | team_kick Cillit Bang (11231954) / by Daemon (3) |