Pescanova  id: 3699014
created Platform action
09/12/08 14:19h first_login_default 
09/12/08 14:26h join_team  Sex Drink Shooters (3698540)
31/12/08 15:37h join_team  Deleted account (3748778)
01/01/09 17:00h wanna_join_league  ES Team Fortress 2 1on1 Scout Ladder
01/01/09 17:44h join_league  ES Team Fortress 2 1on1 Scout Ladder
02/01/09 06:55h register_team  Deleted account (3752008)
14/01/09 12:20h join_team  Deleted account (3781622)
27/02/09 16:49h leave_league  ES Team Fortress 2 1on1 Scout Ladder
08/07/09 05:45h register_team  Fultin (4262923)
20/07/09 09:34h leave_team  Sex Drink Shooters (3698540)
20/07/09 09:34h leave_team  Deleted account (3781622)
20/07/09 09:35h leave_team  Deleted account (3748778)
16/08/09 08:09h join_team  Nobody's Fault But Mine (4009385)
24/09/09 14:05h wanna_join_league  ES Team Fortress 2 1on1 Soldier Cup
24/09/09 15:25h join_league  ES Team Fortress 2 1on1 Soldier Cup
19/10/09 14:26h join_team  MA' ECHO UN ESGUINCE!! (4501646)
22/11/09 08:34h wanna_join_league  ES Team Fortress 2 1on1 Best of Cp_Turris_b3
22/11/09 09:24h join_league  ES Team Fortress 2 1on1 Best of Cp_Turris_b3
04/01/10 17:16h join_team  Deleted account (4673236)
11/01/10 18:25h team_kick  Deleted account (4673236) / by Deleted account (3134906)
01/02/10 18:44h join_team  Spain (4746997)
04/03/10 14:25h join_team  Air Fary (4901802)
16/12/10 13:21h first_login_esltv 
08/03/11 08:29h join_team  knock0ut (5388477)
08/03/11 08:30h leave_team  Nobody's Fault But Mine (4009385)
21/03/11 13:59h join_team  Spain (3294339)
24/07/12 12:36h join_team  Deleted account (7038356)
25/07/12 11:28h first_login_eslworld 
11/07/13 09:02h team_kick  Deleted account (7038356) / by longas (3539125)
08/05/16 12:58h join_team  NoNeedName (4944835)
27/05/16 12:51h join_team  Que hora es? (10145771)
28/05/16 10:47h join_team  Giants Gaming (10148563)
21/08/16 10:19h leave_team  Giants Gaming (10148563)
30/09/16 09:12h join_team  Stone Templars (5472036)
07/10/16 10:50h team_kick  Stone Templars (5472036) / by Deleted account (9027821)
17/11/16 13:58h join_team  Myrtia wolves (10677012)
18/11/16 11:29h leave_team  Myrtia wolves (10677012)
18/11/16 11:30h leave_team  Que hora es? (10145771)
18/11/16 11:30h leave_team  NoNeedName (4944835)
22/12/16 10:36h first_login_sm