José 'jKR' Leite  id: 3757637
created Platform action
04/01/09 06:02h first_login_default 
04/01/09 10:58h register_team  Deleted account (3758425)
10/01/09 18:26h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
13/01/09 09:10h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
17/01/09 17:26h join_team  Deleted account (3756168)
19/01/09 06:45h first_login_eslworld 
19/01/09 06:45h first_login_esltv 
15/02/09 10:22h join_team  rsawq (3750267)
15/02/09 10:22h join_team  rsawq (3750267)
15/02/09 10:25h leave_team  Deleted account (3756168)
15/02/09 10:25h leave_team  Deleted account (3756168)
21/02/09 12:55h join_team  PHENOM eSPORTS (3886392)
21/02/09 12:57h leave_team  Deleted account (3758425)
27/02/09 08:51h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AWP Ladder
27/02/09 08:52h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AWP Ladder
07/03/09 07:28h first_login_esltv 
07/03/09 19:13h leave_team  rsawq (3750267)
26/03/09 06:50h leave_team  PHENOM eSPORTS (3886392)
26/03/09 06:52h register_team  overpower! (3987343)
28/03/09 16:36h register_team  Deleted account (3994345)
28/03/09 16:41h register_team  jKR&fANNz (3994369)
28/03/09 16:43h register_team  Deleted account (3994385)
06/04/09 18:45h first_login_consoles 
17/01/10 13:48h join_team  PRAGMATIC eSports Club (4146696)
17/01/10 13:48h join_team  Deleted account (4409285)
22/01/10 09:42h team_kick  PRAGMATIC eSports Club (4146696) / by Deleted account (2980344)
22/01/10 10:07h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
22/01/10 10:08h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AWP Ladder
22/01/10 10:08h wanna_join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder
22/01/10 10:08h wanna_join_league  POR Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
22/01/10 10:10h join_league  POR Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
23/01/10 04:17h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AWP Ladder
23/01/10 08:27h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
23/01/10 09:25h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder
24/01/10 16:32h register_team  Deleted account (4767928)
24/01/10 16:54h register_team  Deleted account (4768006)
24/01/10 16:55h register_team  jKR&bARUkA (4768008)
20/02/10 23:25h inactivity_kick  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
20/02/10 23:25h inactivity_kick  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 AWP Ladder
06/03/10 23:33h inactivity_kick  Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder
19/03/10 13:11h inactivity_kick  POR Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
29/03/10 15:02h register_team  jKR&MeckiN (4971080)
30/03/10 14:08h wanna_join_league  Europe JamLegend Showdown 1on1 Ladder
30/03/10 14:09h wanna_join_league  Europe JamLegend Showdown Tap Opening Cup #2
30/03/10 14:18h join_league  Europe JamLegend Showdown Tap Opening Cup #2
30/03/10 14:18h join_league  Europe JamLegend Showdown 1on1 Ladder
28/05/10 21:12h inactivity_kick  Europe JamLegend Showdown 1on1 Ladder
04/06/10 16:45h join_team  Deleted account (5110961)
06/06/10 16:05h leave_team  Deleted account (4409285)
07/08/10 09:32h join_team  Deleted account (4409285)
07/08/10 09:36h leave_team  Deleted account (5110961)
21/09/10 16:42h join_team  Deleted account (5332832)
21/09/10 16:53h join_team  Deleted account (5310157)
31/10/10 20:58h team_kick  Deleted account (5332832) / by Deleted account (4910616)
31/10/10 20:59h team_kick  Deleted account (5310157) / by Deleted account (4910616)
20/11/10 12:42h join_team  HardStyle CS (3618305)
11/01/11 13:48h wanna_join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
11/01/11 13:48h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
11/01/11 15:30h join_league  Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
12/01/11 12:24h wanna_join_league  POR Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
12/01/11 14:23h join_league  POR Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
13/01/11 18:30h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
23/02/11 22:33h inactivity_kick  Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
02/12/11 15:45h team_kick  Deleted account (6115273) / by Deleted account (4399649)
04/02/12 09:51h register_team  NEMCHEIRAM (6588398)
10/02/12 18:14h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Master of Puppets #14
10/02/12 18:16h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Kill or Destroy Cup #15
10/02/12 19:25h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Nightcup #27
10/02/12 19:27h register_team  2M4U (6611776)
11/02/12 09:53h wanna_join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 The Last Summoner #11
11/02/12 10:22h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 The Last Summoner #11
12/02/12 13:04h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Kill or Destroy Cup #16
17/02/12 19:20h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Nightcup #28
17/02/12 19:22h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Master of Puppets #15
19/02/12 14:06h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Kill or Destroy Cup #17
22/02/12 14:17h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle
23/02/12 10:27h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Master of Puppets #16
24/02/12 19:55h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Nightcup #29
25/02/12 08:58h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Kill or Destroy Cup #17
26/02/12 08:16h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Kill or Destroy Cup #18
07/03/12 09:31h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Kill or Destroy Cup #19
07/03/12 09:32h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Master of Puppets #18
07/03/12 09:32h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Nightcup #30
07/03/12 09:32h wanna_join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 The Last Summoner #12
11/03/12 15:24h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Kill or Destroy Cup #20
17/03/12 09:13h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Master of Puppets #19
17/03/12 09:13h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Nightcup #32
17/03/12 09:13h wanna_join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 The Last Summoner #12
24/03/12 09:51h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Kill or Destroy Cup #21
24/03/12 09:53h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Nightcup #33
24/03/12 09:53h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Master of Puppets #20
24/03/12 09:57h wanna_join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 The Last Summoner #12
24/03/12 09:57h wanna_join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
24/03/12 10:29h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
31/03/12 08:20h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Kill Or Destroy #22
01/05/12 18:26h join_team  kALASH (5336544)
05/05/12 20:20h inactivity_kick  POR League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
27/05/12 17:58h team_kick  kALASH (5336544) / by Deleted account (1789331)
09/08/12 15:46h join_team  PaTrOeSsSs (7059767)
13/09/12 12:08h register_team  ALIENTECH (7169159)
08/10/12 13:27h join_team  Deleted account (6850623)
14/10/12 15:00h team_kick  Deleted account (6850623) / by Deleted account (4684626)
23/10/12 14:21h join_team  Deleted account (7251779)
26/10/12 14:55h join_team  Alientech LOL (7255358)
04/12/12 15:40h leave_team  2M4U (6611776)
18/12/12 15:15h wanna_join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Ozone Christmas Cup
18/12/12 15:19h join_league  POR League of Legends 1on1 Ozone Christmas Cup
20/01/13 10:07h join_team  Carry (7301713)
29/03/13 15:59h team_kick  Carry (7301713) / by Deleted account (6241821)
14/06/13 12:40h team_kick  Alientech LOL (7255358) / by Deleted account (4851895)
28/06/13 15:29h join_team  Os Escacadores (7539043)
28/06/13 15:32h leave_team  ALIENTECH (7169159)
28/06/13 15:32h leave_team  PaTrOeSsSs (7059767)
01/07/13 16:13h join_team  The Ultimate Apocalipse (7811147)
02/07/13 13:45h leave_team  The Ultimate Apocalipse (7811147)
04/07/13 14:34h join_team  Go Home U Are Drunk (7818809)
05/07/13 14:53h join_team  Deleted account (7823565)
05/07/13 14:57h join_team  Cpt boobs (7630681)
05/07/13 14:57h leave_team  Deleted account (7823565)
12/07/13 13:29h team_kick  Os Escacadores (7539043) / by Deleted account (7194882)
01/08/13 14:56h join_team  Team GG4SURE (7818646)
22/08/13 12:59h join_team  NIGHTCUP DRAGONS (7904161)
11/10/13 15:22h join_team  LETSGOOO (7986097)
21/07/15 15:12h join_team  Victorious Secret (9221443)
23/07/15 14:54h join_team  MindVision (9261561)
03/10/15 13:37h join_team  superskuNk (8490655)
31/10/15 10:20h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Halloween Cup 2015 Europe
03/11/15 11:32h team_kick  superskuNk (8490655) / by Deleted account (8789769)
13/08/16 11:50h join_team  Deleted account (10389861)
20/08/16 09:44h join_team  The PogChamps (10413597)
04/09/16 04:11h team_kick  Deleted account (10389861) / by soka (6813898)
26/10/16 17:17h join_team  FTW.Evo (10468613)
02/11/16 13:38h team_kick  FTW.Evo (10468613) / by Deleted account (10466935)
10/11/16 16:44h join_team  Hexagone eSports.OW (10391407)
14/01/17 14:03h team_kick  Hexagone eSports.OW (10391407) / by Deleted account (7682346)
13/04/17 21:32h register_team  Deleted account (11188978)
13/04/17 21:39h register_team  bring 1.6 back (11188984)
13/04/17 21:41h leave_team  Victorious Secret (9221443)