created | Platform | action |
02/04/09 10:42h | first_login_default | |
02/04/09 10:52h | wanna_join_league Europe Unreal Tournament 2004 1on1 Instagib Ladder | |
02/04/09 11:00h | join_league Europe Unreal Tournament 2004 1on1 Instagib Ladder | |
07/06/09 22:18h | inactivity_kick Europe Unreal Tournament 2004 1on1 Instagib Ladder | |
30/10/09 11:16h | join_team Deleted account (4529330) | |
28/02/10 11:52h | first_login_esltv | |
28/02/10 11:52h | first_login_eslworld | |
11/12/11 09:06h | team_kick Deleted account (4529330) / by Deleted account (3419116) | |
11/01/12 13:38h | join_team Deleted account (6435806) | |
24/07/12 15:06h | join_team Team Infused SM (7038469) | |
25/07/12 19:08h | first_login_esltv | |
03/08/12 19:35h | first_login_esltv | |
03/08/12 20:10h | first_login_esltv | |
19/10/12 19:50h | register_team Deleted account (7243923) | |
01/05/13 13:04h | register_team Deleted account (7699894) | |
01/05/13 13:47h | register_team mixdatshit (7699978) | |
01/05/13 14:08h | join_team Deleted account (7588254) | |
01/05/13 18:11h | team_kick Deleted account (7588254) / by Deleted account (3319406) | |
26/05/13 16:16h | join_team Deleted account (7537892) | |
27/05/13 10:15h | team_kick Deleted account (7537892) / by Deleted account (2524774) | |
05/06/13 13:35h | join_team whatevz (7541439) | |
08/06/13 20:05h | register_team oherre (7773784) | |
26/06/13 14:31h | join_team Legendary (7499643) | |
29/06/13 16:03h | join_team Deleted account (7079680) | |
03/07/13 11:50h | join_team mousesports (7643273) | |
11/07/13 13:40h | leave_team Deleted account (7079680) | |
17/07/13 12:59h | team_kick Legendary (7499643) / by Deleted account (7370582) | |
07/08/13 13:56h | join_team Deleted account (7844830) | |
11/08/13 09:06h | team_kick Deleted account (7844830) / by Deleted account (3114537) | |
18/08/13 09:15h | team_kick whatevz (7541439) / by luxxiz (863418) | |
21/08/13 14:17h | join_team FMeSports.SM (7038910) | |
06/10/13 11:43h | team_kick FMeSports.SM (7038910) / by Deleted account (5701526) | |
15/01/14 13:08h | register_team High Focus (8172273) | |
27/04/14 12:25h | join_team Reason Gaming RL (8370762) | |
28/04/14 13:22h | join_team LastMinuteTeam (7907661) | |
03/05/14 16:32h | join_team Ooooo Piece Of Candy (6331320) | |
04/05/14 06:52h | team_kick LastMinuteTeam (7907661) / by Aeon (7091168) | |
12/05/14 21:36h | join_team United Kingdom .SF2 (8395493) | |
29/05/14 00:49h | join_league Europe FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #35 - 01/06/14 | |
29/08/15 20:56h | join_team Crayola RC (9368642) | |
19/04/16 15:11h | join_team eQuilibrium UT4 Instagib I (9598102) | |
22/05/16 13:46h | register_team Deleted account (10136497) | |
26/05/16 21:38h | leave_team eQuilibrium UT4 Instagib I (9598102) | |
23/06/16 08:32h | team_kick Deleted account (10136497) / by Deleted account (4675749) | |
23/06/16 14:25h | join_team Slightly Stale Bread (10146099) | |
26/06/16 04:10h | team_kick Slightly Stale Bread (10146099) / by Deleted account (5420272) | |
29/06/16 15:04h | join_team DICKS OUT FOR HARAMBE (10144102) | |
29/07/16 11:17h | join_team The Last Resort (10316962) | |
29/07/16 11:22h | leave_team DICKS OUT FOR HARAMBE (10144102) | |
09/08/16 15:54h | join_team whatevz (7541439) | |
31/08/16 16:52h | register_team West Coast Whistle (10451860) | |
03/09/16 09:46h | team_kick The Last Resort (10316962) / by Deleted account (8637775) | |
12/09/16 20:30h | register_team Deleted account (10477595) | |
22/04/17 15:49h | register_team Aerial Asylum (11227198) | |
05/05/17 13:49h | team_kick Reason Gaming RL (8370762) / by Microstar (2069482) |