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SHARICKz  id: 4029170
created Platform action
09/04/09 19:35h first_login_default 
09/04/09 19:39h change_xfire  -> sharicod
09/04/09 19:39h wanna_join_league  Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Freesyle Cup
09/04/09 19:46h register_team  Deleted account (4029183)
09/04/09 19:52h join_league  Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Freesyle Cup
25/06/09 14:46h join_team  Deleted account (4231054)
27/06/09 11:43h leave_team  Deleted account (4231054)
27/06/09 11:43h register_team  Deleted account (4235650)
02/07/09 13:32h register_team  Deleted account (4248881)
06/07/09 21:47h first_login_esltv 
23/12/09 11:26h register_team  Deleted account (4676407)
25/12/09 10:58h join_team  Team Estonia (4678526)
07/01/10 17:34h first_login_eslworld 
20/05/10 11:27h register_team  Deleted account (5081374)
26/10/10 07:24h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
26/10/10 07:46h register_team  Deleted account (5406324)
26/10/10 12:05h join_league  Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
15/12/10 21:55h inactivity_kick  Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
11/11/11 06:28h register_team  saare leet (6353026)
23/11/11 08:18h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
23/11/11 09:33h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
25/12/11 18:22h kicked_from_league_ac  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
11/02/12 17:05h register_team  vidunherrat (6615362)
18/03/12 08:56h join_team  ISOPELURID (6712070)
06/05/12 00:57h register_team  Solid Five (6852389)
02/06/12 17:07h join_team  Stormbound (6918298)
22/07/12 07:31h leave_team  ISOPELURID (6712070)
23/07/12 09:08h wanna_join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
23/07/12 10:03h join_league  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
16/09/12 18:21h kicked_from_league_ac  Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder
03/05/18 09:01h join_team  WORTEX PUBG (11827929)
03/05/18 13:53h join_roster  for team #11827929 in PUBG Global Invitational 2018 Squad Open Qualifier Europe #174872 by #11074340
14/03/21 12:36h join_team  Handsome Gamers (16666329)
14/03/21 12:46h join_roster  for team #16666329 in PUBG (PC) Squad Masters Qualifiers Spring 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #221776 by #11827950
23/03/21 12:14h left_roster  for team #16666329 in PUBG (PC) Squad Masters Qualifiers Spring 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #221776 by #11827950
09/06/21 11:02h team_kick  WORTEX PUBG (11827929) / by LFreshh (11074340)