Mauro 'Quark' Morandini  id: 4054021
created Platform action
18/04/09 08:35h first_login_default 
18/04/09 08:53h first_login_america 
13/05/09 09:01h join_team  AtaClan (3943605)
13/05/09 09:12h join_team  LosMas (4116023)
13/05/09 13:53h first_login_esltv 
02/10/10 13:30h join_team  A.S.D. ProMultigamingPlayers (5355364)
02/10/10 13:34h change_xfire  -> skiribizilu
02/10/10 13:46h join_team  Deleted account (5355429)
02/10/10 14:08h team_kick  Deleted account (5355429) / by Deleted account (3357530)
02/10/10 14:18h join_team  CipCiop (5355497)
25/12/10 09:11h leave_team  LosMas (4116023)
25/12/10 09:11h leave_team  AtaClan (3943605)
22/01/11 10:20h join_team  ReSeT Gaming (5425147)
22/01/11 10:21h leave_team  A.S.D. ProMultigamingPlayers (5355364)
23/01/11 08:59h join_team  ReSeT Gaming (5612609)
05/02/11 07:44h join_team  Deleted account (5645940)
05/02/11 09:25h join_team  Pro Multigaming Player (5646386)
05/02/11 09:25h join_team  Deleted account (5646372)
12/02/11 12:10h team_kick  Deleted account (5645940) / by Deleted account (3460187)
27/02/11 08:28h join_team  Deleted account (5709342)
14/03/11 14:38h wanna_join_league  ITA Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
14/03/11 16:50h join_league  ITA Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
16/03/11 14:15h wanna_join_league  ITA Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
16/03/11 14:44h join_league  ITA Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
17/03/11 09:07h team_kick  ReSeT Gaming (5425147) / by Deleted account (5176758)
19/03/11 05:40h register_team  Deleted account (5763500)
19/03/11 06:30h join_team  Anthrax (5763581)
30/03/11 15:19h team_kick  ReSeT Gaming (5612609) / by Deleted account (4892671)
11/04/11 14:31h join_team  Deleted account (5822873)
13/04/11 10:41h join_team  Team Friuli-Venezia Giulia (3852550)
08/12/11 13:48h team_kick  Hey Team Black Ops (5054449) / by Deleted account (3425841)
22/01/12 13:54h join_team  pMp MW3 (6497353)
22/09/12 08:31h join_team  La teoria del Complotto (7183588)
19/06/13 16:19h join_team  Lemon Squeeze (7793218)
24/06/13 16:38h wanna_join_league  ITA Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Ladder
25/06/13 04:48h join_league  ITA Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Ladder
02/07/13 17:55h first_login_eslworld 
03/07/13 06:10h leave_team  Anthrax (5763581)
03/07/13 06:13h leave_team  CipCiop (5355497)
14/08/13 00:27h inactivity_kick  ITA Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Ladder
13/10/13 14:50h register_team  Deleted account (7990922)
02/07/14 20:23h decrease_trustlevel  1 -> 0
25/01/15 12:33h join_team  Hashtags! (8739671)
18/04/15 08:01h join_team  Team iNFINITY (3813124)
18/04/15 08:23h leave_team  Hashtags! (8739671)
18/04/15 08:23h leave_team  La teoria del Complotto (7183588)
18/04/15 08:23h leave_team  Lemon Squeeze (7793218)
18/04/15 08:23h leave_team  pMp MW3 (6497353)
22/04/15 13:39h leave_team  Team iNFINITY (3813124)
07/06/15 13:45h join_team  Deleted account (8395811)
13/09/15 10:16h join_team  Team Friuli VG (9371605)
12/01/16 10:10h team_kick  Deleted account (8395811) / by Cervantes (718496)
13/01/16 15:37h join_team  APH Gaming (9752017)