RoGueZwN  id: 4085544
created Platform action
30/04/09 13:06h first_login_default 
30/04/09 13:27h join_team  Deleted account (4065549)
02/05/09 10:23h change_xfire  -> samuelxxxx
07/06/09 14:40h leave_team  Deleted account (4065549)
07/06/09 15:06h join_team  Deleted account (4182246)
24/10/09 07:47h first_login_esltv 
29/12/09 15:46h first_login_esltv 
27/02/10 17:23h first_login_esltv 
28/02/10 08:58h register_team  HighDivision e-Sports (4889095)
13/03/10 06:29h leave_team  HighDivision e-Sports (4889095)
07/04/10 06:42h join_team  HighDivision e-Sports (4889095)
30/04/10 15:07h first_login_esltv 
04/05/10 12:26h first_login_esltv 
23/05/10 08:26h join_team  Deleted account (4963034)
28/05/10 17:49h team_kick  Deleted account (4963034) / by Deleted account (1467221)
12/06/10 17:23h join_team  Ground5Union Syne 2008 (5118055)
02/07/10 07:07h first_login_esltv 
15/08/10 10:17h first_login_esltv 
16/08/10 15:45h team_kick  Ground5Union Syne 2008 (5118055) / by Deleted account (5114813)
23/08/10 18:12h team_kick  Deleted account (4182246) / by Deleted account (4108443)
04/09/10 12:35h first_login_esltv 
09/09/10 15:59h join_team  Shac eGaming since 2009 (4319455)
09/10/10 12:50h first_login_esltv 
08/01/11 05:08h first_login_esltv 
11/07/12 10:55h wanna_join_league  POR Call of Duty 4 1on1 OMA Spec Ops Cup #1
11/07/12 13:15h join_league  POR Call of Duty 4 1on1 OMA Spec Ops Cup #1
05/09/12 17:21h join_team  prN Team 3v3 (7152927)
21/12/12 13:26h join_team  RAWR :3 (7389668)
30/09/13 06:55h join_team  Direct Kill Clan (7224717)
31/01/14 21:01h leave_team  Direct Kill Clan (7224717)
23/12/16 03:37h first_login_sm