GoKu  id: 429119
created Platform action
31/01/03 14:22h first_login 
31/01/03 14:23h join_team  Occoult Devision (428819)
04/06/03 12:05h team_kick  Occoult Devision (428819)
03/12/05 12:12h join_team  in Memory of STFU (712365)
18/12/05 11:09h join_team  sTfu.fun (1368468)
06/02/06 16:05h join_team  Deleted account (1294230)
28/02/06 12:02h join_team  sTfu EAS (1273035)
02/03/06 11:25h leave_team  sTfu EAS (1273035)
14/03/06 10:40h join_team  sTfu EAS (1273035)
24/05/06 16:05h team_kick  Deleted account (1294230)
11/01/07 09:23h join_team  In's Xsicht (1853125)
01/02/08 20:43h decrease_trustlevel  1 -> 0
05/12/08 15:22h team_kick  in Memory of STFU (712365) / by chilliy (722539)
27/11/12 08:45h first_login_sm