created | Platform | action |
23/02/03 06:25h | first_login | |
23/02/03 06:26h | register_team Deleted account (444026) | |
23/02/03 13:33h | register_team Deleted account (444482) | |
23/02/03 13:36h | register_team Deleted account (444489) | |
23/02/03 13:52h | team_kick Deleted account (444489) / by Tomboman (22) | |
23/02/03 16:30h | register_team Deleted account (444646) | |
23/02/03 16:31h | register_team Instinct Pain 2 on 2 Team 01 (444648) | |
23/02/03 16:31h | register_team Deleted account (444649) | |
23/02/03 16:34h | register_team Deleted account (444653) | |
24/02/03 10:54h | team_kick Instinct Pain 2 on 2 Team 01 (444648) / by Deleted account (221) | |
11/07/03 06:40h | team_kick Deleted account (444026) | |
06/12/04 09:53h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
06/12/04 14:17h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
31/01/05 11:04h | join_team args v.1337 (1104231) | |
21/11/05 16:11h | leave_team args v.1337 (1104231) | |
21/11/05 16:11h | join_team 2 plaYer's (1523301) | |
28/11/05 12:30h | register_team 3 pLaYers (1535087) | |
05/12/05 07:23h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
05/12/05 09:19h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
27/04/06 17:41h | join_team Deleted account (1740164) | |
27/04/06 17:43h | join_team Deleted account (1242000) | |
27/04/06 17:46h | join_team Deleted account (1740400) | |
27/04/06 17:47h | join_team Old Sql CS Community (1799329) | |
02/05/06 13:46h | team_kick Deleted account (1740164) | |
02/05/06 13:46h | team_kick Deleted account (1740400) / by han_solo (12) | |
02/05/06 13:51h | leave_team Deleted account (1242000) | |
07/05/06 18:46h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
09/05/06 18:51h | join_team McLovin sm4sh s everyone (1815373) | |
31/05/06 18:34h | join_team args v.1337 (1104231) | |
06/06/06 17:27h | join_team YeaH BaBy (1428488) | |
12/06/06 09:53h | register_team n1x4 and friends (1887169) | |
14/06/06 11:05h | team_kick YeaH BaBy (1428488) / by (-) | |
06/03/07 05:29h | team_kick McLovin sm4sh s everyone (1815373) | |
16/08/07 05:40h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
16/08/07 15:56h | register_team Si Fliegen (2667011) | |
19/12/07 20:22h | decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 | |
05/04/12 07:41h | join_team n1x4 and friends (1887169) | |
05/04/12 07:42h | join_team Si Fliegen (2667011) | |
05/04/12 07:42h | join_team 3 pLaYers (1535087) | |
11/04/12 10:00h | join_team 2 plaYer's (1523301) | |
11/04/12 10:02h | join_team teached by tpromb (2188805) |