Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Keys id: 4652511 created Platform action 13/12/09 15:05h first_login_default 13/12/09 15:07h join_team Deleted account (3879017) 01/06/10 18:52h team_kick Deleted account (3879017) / by Deleted account (3703474) 09/11/10 13:45h join_team Deleted account (5415614) 14/11/10 12:34h team_kick Deleted account (5415614) / by Deleted account (5373441) 14/11/12 12:17h join_team TeamDecerto (7302720) 09/12/12 08:16h join_team Deleted account (7359475) 10/12/12 09:10h team_kick Deleted account (7359475) / by MattjA (3335526) 10/12/12 16:47h join_team Deleted account (7359475) 16/12/12 15:16h first_login_esltv 01/01/13 06:17h team_kick Deleted account (7359475) / by MattjA (3335526) 12/01/13 05:38h team_kick Deleted account (5996027) / by Deleted account (3884966) 12/12/13 12:01h join_team You Need To Improve (8108575) 21/02/14 15:22h join_team The Pranksters (8249419) 16/03/14 09:25h first_login_esltv 28/09/14 17:52h register_team u wot m8 (8644577) 10/03/15 09:56h join_team Team Xenex (8966272) 12/05/15 12:41h join_team Exertus Esports (9013830) 28/06/15 07:48h join_team Rift Gaming v2 (8923852) 21/07/15 14:08h team_kick Exertus Esports (9013830) / by Deleted account (7256827) 30/07/15 15:23h join_team inMotion.Black (9225942) 19/08/15 15:30h join_team Rift Gaming (9331705) 18/01/16 17:32h join_team exceL eSports (8979076) 27/05/16 12:05h register_team Deleted account (10146055) 10/06/16 15:55h register_team Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (10182031) 29/07/16 11:27h join_team The Last Resort (10316962) 07/08/16 09:40h team_kick exceL eSports (8979076) / by Deleted account (7667818) 05/11/16 18:28h join_team VATIC (10628187) 12/02/17 05:32h join_team Exotic Gaming (10942055) 22/02/17 19:22h join_team Krypto.OW (10797449) 04/03/17 02:10h join_team CryptickGamingOW (11012103) 22/04/17 19:42h team_kick CryptickGamingOW (11012103) / by Deleted account (10797395) 24/06/17 18:23h join_team CryptickGamingOW (11012103) 14/07/17 12:50h join_team Pandachu (11513485) 12/01/18 19:49h join_team Action is Coming (12056626) 15/01/18 17:57h join_roster for team #12056626 in IEM Katowice 2018 Squad Open Qualifier Europe #170024 by #8637775 06/06/18 18:12h join_team Tiger Mafia (12055046) 06/06/18 18:13h join_roster for team #12055046 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #3 Europe #175884 by #3792139 02/03/19 17:29h join_team Deleted account (13399845) 03/03/19 19:12h join_team Deleted account (13413394) 05/03/19 14:56h join_team VIDEOGAMERS (13429174)