ZoHare  id: 4737215
created Platform action
14/01/10 14:42h first_login_default 
14/01/10 14:43h join_team  gamma Monkeyz (3168327)
01/04/10 10:19h join_team  Got PPS? (4794970)
17/05/10 07:26h join_team  7K (4938340)
15/11/10 14:12h leave_team  Got PPS? (4794970)
13/01/11 15:05h join_team  ZSAK KRUMPLI.xzn (4961831)
13/01/11 15:05h leave_team  7K (4938340)
19/01/11 11:38h team_kick  ZSAK KRUMPLI.xzn (4961831) / by BLANKMAN (3407936)
20/01/11 11:34h first_login_esltv 
20/01/11 11:35h join_team  Deleted account (5108005)
20/01/11 12:49h leave_team  Deleted account (5108005)
20/01/11 13:01h join_team  THE DEADLYZ (3504175)
07/02/11 18:05h team_kick  THE DEADLYZ (3504175) / by Deleted account (2362849)
07/04/11 13:48h team_kick  gamma Monkeyz (3168327) / by Deleted account (3367570)
11/02/12 13:42h join_team  SuperOxidDistmutase (6606435)
08/03/12 13:22h team_kick  SuperOxidDistmutase (6606435) / by Deleted account (4863748)
04/04/15 07:01h wanna_join_league  ESL Play South East Europe Championship Hearthstone Season 1 Qualifier #2 Hungary
04/04/15 07:32h join_league  ESL Play South East Europe Championship Hearthstone Season 1 Qualifier #2 Hungary
27/01/16 13:01h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Fireside Gathering - Tavern Hero Hungary
27/01/16 13:01h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Fireside Gathering - Tavern Hero Hungary
06/10/19 07:21h join_team  nyernikell (14185992)