Rafaa 'EnvieD' Escribá  id: 5101196
created Platform action
30/05/10 16:40h first_login_default 
30/05/10 16:47h join_team  Team Pont1kill (5101140)
31/05/10 11:34h wanna_join_league  ES Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aimmap Ladder
31/05/10 11:36h wanna_join_league  ES Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
31/05/10 11:38h join_league  ES Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aimmap Ladder
31/05/10 11:38h join_league  ES Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
11/06/10 10:18h first_login_esltv 
11/06/10 10:20h first_login_eslworld 
23/06/10 14:30h register_team  Deleted account (5146793)
23/06/10 14:56h register_team  Deleted account (5146840)
23/06/10 15:01h register_team  Deleted account (5146856)
23/06/10 15:10h register_team  Deleted account (5146877)
12/07/10 21:24h inactivity_kick  ES Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
12/07/10 21:24h inactivity_kick  ES Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aimmap Ladder
30/01/11 19:08h leave_team  Team Pont1kill (5101140)
31/01/11 17:10h join_team  Deleted account (5613897)
06/04/11 09:14h join_team  Deleted account (5807419)
17/04/11 14:07h first_login_america 
11/11/11 10:07h join_team  MeetYourMakers (6161408)
14/01/12 09:57h join_team  Mix Goes4lol (6481293)
07/02/12 17:57h join_team  Sky Tools (6528921)
15/02/12 19:06h leave_team  Mr.. X (6138304)
19/02/12 19:26h leave_team  Mix Goes4lol (6481293)
24/02/12 07:34h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle
10/03/12 09:11h join_team  NO KILL WHEN WE DISCONECT, THX (6465769)
20/03/12 11:43h join_team  Deleted account (6736269)
24/03/12 10:15h join_team  EHH YIYON YIYON!!!! (6744657)
24/03/12 10:18h leave_team  MeetYourMakers (6161408)
24/03/12 10:19h leave_team  NO KILL WHEN WE DISCONECT, THX (6465769)
27/03/12 12:33h join_team  Average Gaming Club (6368822)
31/03/12 08:40h team_kick  Average Gaming Club (6368822) / by Deleted account (6368810)
01/04/12 16:31h join_league  ES League of Legends 1on1 Sorteo Portal Premium Araneae
03/04/12 21:23h join_league  ES League of Legends 1on1 Sorteo Portal Premium xPeke
03/04/12 21:25h join_league  ES League of Legends 1on1 Sorteo Portal Premium Ocelote
06/04/12 20:27h join_team  Dat Team (6743753)
10/04/12 10:56h join_team  Deleted account (6793436)
13/04/12 06:31h join_team  Infinity E-Sports.LoL (6093277)
13/04/12 06:32h leave_team  EHH YIYON YIYON!!!! (6744657)
13/04/12 06:32h leave_team  Dat Team (6743753)
15/04/12 10:30h leave_team  Deleted account (6793436)
28/04/12 09:59h join_team  The Fumigators (6261827)
13/05/12 06:26h team_kick  The Fumigators (6261827) / by Deleted account (2887467)
26/05/12 09:23h join_team  tu sabras es tu clan (6901392)
02/06/12 09:16h join_team  Ralph & The Band (6510612)
02/06/12 10:16h leave_team  tu sabras es tu clan (6901392)
02/06/12 10:17h leave_team  Sky Tools (6528921)
09/06/12 09:01h register_team  Deleted account (6934693)
15/06/12 22:02h team_kick  Infinity E-Sports.LoL (6093277) / by Deleted account (5116934)
20/06/12 09:16h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
27/07/12 12:32h team_kick  Ralph & The Band (6510612) / by Deleted account (3047621)
04/08/12 09:10h join_team  el emti esta to weno (7017330)
02/11/12 10:37h join_team  full quality (4990669)
21/12/12 05:31h join_team  Deleted account (7310408)
21/12/12 10:02h team_kick  el emti esta to weno (7017330) / by Deleted account (4351269)
18/01/13 10:25h join_team  MaximuM e-Sport (7453991)
25/01/13 09:26h join_team  Deleted account (6989972)
01/02/13 09:13h team_kick  MaximuM e-Sport (7453991) / by Rafius (4554198)
08/02/13 09:38h leave_team  Deleted account (6989972)
11/02/13 19:56h register_team  Deleted account (7521274)
11/02/13 21:01h leave_team  Deleted account (7310408)
11/02/13 21:02h leave_team  full quality (4990669)
14/02/13 09:59h leave_team  Deleted account (7521274)
22/02/13 09:51h join_team  xShine Club (7132134)
22/02/13 10:43h leave_team  xShine Club (7132134)
15/03/13 12:34h join_team  Mediavida.com (6869037)
16/06/13 07:53h join_team  Deleted account (7787784)
09/08/13 15:36h team_kick  Deleted account (7787784) / by Zacke (6215979)
23/08/13 08:14h join_team  BALE SI OC (7905129)
21/02/14 10:25h join_team  Deleted account (8250681)
21/03/14 08:33h join_team  full quality (4990669)
19/05/14 13:05h team_kick  Deleted account (8250681) / by Deleted account (4956360)
01/08/14 10:36h join_team  GoAhead LoL (8542978)
01/08/14 10:43h join_team  Telperion (8543012)
29/08/14 08:45h join_team  DreamSquadAcademy (8594157)
29/08/14 08:46h leave_team  BALE SI OC (7905129)
29/08/14 08:46h leave_team  GoAhead LoL (8542978)
29/08/14 08:46h leave_team  full quality (4990669)
29/08/14 08:46h leave_team  Telperion (8543012)
29/08/14 08:46h leave_team  Mediavida.com (6869037)
13/06/15 20:53h decrease_trustlevel  1 -> 0
10/05/16 19:49h team_kick  DreamSquadAcademy (8594157) / by Castro (6303961)
12/06/16 14:09h join_team  Team Ultra (10106877)
13/10/16 18:40h join_team  RambootClub (10056561)
12/01/17 10:59h leave_team  Team Ultra (10106877)
20/05/21 18:25h join_team  Deleted account (16889791)
13/07/21 13:59h join_team  Howl Esports (17033926)