Akın 'hectqr' İlkyaz  id: 5297513
created Platform action
05/09/10 07:25h first_login_default 
09/03/11 03:43h register_team  Deleted account (5737820)
14/03/11 09:39h wanna_join_league  TUR Counter-Strike 1on1 Aim Ladder 2
14/03/11 09:43h join_league  TUR Counter-Strike 1on1 Aim Ladder 2
23/03/11 08:45h register_team  Team Bes (5774219)
06/04/11 14:23h leave_team  Team Bes (5774219)
30/10/11 03:52h first_login_eslworld 
21/11/11 07:13h register_team  Deleted account (6380760)
11/01/12 07:09h register_team  Deleted account (6515475)
31/01/12 08:56h join_team  Deleted account (6574926)
05/02/12 12:44h join_team  dexsports (6593436)
22/02/12 06:40h leave_team  dexsports (6593436)
22/02/12 06:42h join_team  DGT (6651881)
03/03/12 17:00h team_kick  DGT (6651881) / by Deleted account (5794366)
18/06/12 11:09h join_team  Deleted account (6956556)
21/06/12 15:10h team_kick  Deleted account (6956556) / by Deleted account (5310470)
21/11/15 18:18h join_team  Vae Victis e-Sports (9534773)
02/05/16 12:25h leave_team  Vae Victis e-Sports (9534773)
02/05/16 12:25h register_team  rendre fou (10086679)
02/02/17 13:13h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Winter Cup 2017 #5 Türkiye
05/02/17 03:52h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
17/03/17 19:52h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
20/01/18 19:06h join_team  -return of the kings- (7844895)
20/01/18 19:09h join_team  Deleted account (11530853)
05/06/18 15:57h team_kick  Deleted account (11530853) / by Deleted account (11530838)
23/02/19 12:45h team_kick  -return of the kings- (7844895) / by MaceMODE (5845353)