Sentinel  id: 5304724
created Platform action
08/09/10 09:10h first_login_default 
08/09/10 09:13h join_team  Deleted account (5301862)
18/09/10 08:15h team_kick  Deleted account (5301862) / by Deleted account (5304090)
16/10/10 13:28h change_xfire  -> mertkurtyilmaz
17/10/10 10:20h join_team  Dance With Bullets (5322915)
13/11/10 17:03h team_kick  Dance With Bullets (5322915) / by Deleted account (5322896)
11/01/11 11:28h join_team  Destination Break (5581233)
20/04/15 13:41h join_team  50ShadesOfDark (9058386)
07/09/15 12:26h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Aim Weekly Cup #39 Europe
19/10/15 14:13h register_team  Deleted account (9499676)
01/05/16 07:33h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
08/06/16 14:38h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Summer Cup 2016 #2 Türkiye
13/06/16 19:16h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
16/08/16 12:18h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League 1on1 Aerial Cup #44
20/08/16 13:46h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League 1on1 Aerial Cup #45
30/08/16 12:49h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League 1on1 Aerial Cup #46
20/09/16 12:22h join_league  ESL Play Rocket League 1on1 Aerial Cup #49
05/11/16 15:49h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Community Cup 2016 #23 Türkiye
19/11/16 12:43h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Community Cup 2016 #25 Türkiye
26/11/16 13:56h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Community Cup 2016 #26 Türkiye
17/12/16 16:29h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Community Cup 2016 #29 Türkiye
24/12/16 19:38h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Community Cup 2016 #30 Türkiye
31/12/16 05:19h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Community Cup 2016 #31 Türkiye
18/05/18 12:11h join_team  FEAR e-Sports (10458994)
08/08/18 21:46h leave_team  50ShadesOfDark (9058386)
11/01/19 11:04h leave_team  FEAR e-Sports (10458994)
02/03/19 14:14h join_team  Deleted account (13398299)
19/03/19 12:14h join_team  GTA PİNK TONY (13505063)
16/08/20 16:00h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AIM Yaz Kupası 2020 #7 Turkey