created | Platform | action |
03/12/10 10:35h | first_login_consoles | |
03/12/10 10:37h | join_team Deleted account (5486045) | |
25/12/10 16:09h | join_team Deleted account (5486335) | |
25/12/10 16:09h | join_team Deleted account (5486329) | |
17/01/11 13:55h | team_kick Deleted account (5486045) / by Deleted account (5486019) | |
18/01/11 12:31h | join_team Deleted account (5600115) | |
06/02/11 06:43h | team_kick Deleted account (5486335) / by Deleted account (25486019) | |
06/02/11 10:17h | join_team TD Competitive (5649316) | |
06/02/11 14:56h | team_kick Deleted account (5600115) / by Deleted account (5486019) | |
06/02/11 14:56h | team_kick Deleted account (5486329) / by Deleted account (5486019) | |
16/02/11 11:01h | team_kick TD Competitive (5649316) / by Deleted account (5486019) | |
18/02/11 14:56h | join_team Deleted account (5683483) | |
22/02/11 07:38h | join_team TD Competitive (5649316) | |
24/02/11 08:43h | team_kick Deleted account (5683483) / by Deleted account (5486019) | |
01/04/11 10:41h | team_kick TD Competitive (5649316) / by Deleted account (5486019) | |
07/04/11 15:43h | join_team FRZY#Inactive4 (5747350) | |
07/04/11 15:44h | join_team FRZY:Inactive2 (5807979) | |
11/04/11 13:28h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 1on1 UMP45 Ladder | |
12/04/11 04:42h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 1on1 UMP45 Ladder | |
20/04/11 15:46h | join_team FRZY:Inactive1 (5805706) | |
20/04/11 15:49h | team_kick FRZY:Inactive2 (5807979) / by Deleted account (5486019) | |
21/04/11 16:38h | team_kick FRZY:Inactive1 (5805706) / by Deleted account (5486019) | |
22/04/11 14:50h | register_team Deleted account (5851248) | |
20/10/11 10:08h | join_team München. (3917430) | |
08/11/11 08:30h | join_team Award Hunter (5794986) | |
15/11/11 13:09h | join_team Deleted account (6364308) | |
17/11/11 15:15h | join_team Nicht Aktiv v3 (6364066) | |
19/11/11 08:02h | team_kick Nicht Aktiv v3 (6364066) / by Deleted account (3517312) | |
21/11/11 07:21h | leave_team Award Hunter (5794986) | |
30/11/11 06:38h | join_team NeYmar58 // Fans & Friends (5747131) | |
30/11/11 12:43h | leave_team just waiting for cod:ghost (5691683) | |
30/11/11 12:44h | leave_team Deleted account (6364308) | |
02/12/11 16:31h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Domination Ladder | |
02/12/11 17:24h | wanna_join_league Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Ladder | |
02/12/11 17:33h | join_league Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Ladder | |
04/12/11 06:59h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Domination Ladder | |
05/12/11 14:14h | join_team Team Invaders (6322576) | |
05/12/11 15:00h | team_kick Team Invaders (6322576) / by GhoSty (6377140) | |
12/12/11 13:37h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Winter Herrschaft Cup | |
12/12/11 16:03h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Winter Herrschaft Cup | |
13/12/11 11:49h | join_team Nicht Aktiv v3 (6364066) | |
13/12/11 11:50h | leave_team Nicht Aktiv v3 (6364066) | |
20/12/11 04:56h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Herrschaft Ladder | |
20/12/11 08:45h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Herrschaft Ladder | |
20/12/11 09:06h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Herrschaft Ladder | |
20/12/11 14:43h | join_team Die Moony Socken Fangemeinde (5183727) | |
21/12/11 14:30h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Domination Ladder | |
21/12/11 14:38h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Domination Ladder | |
21/12/11 16:58h | join_team Deleted account (6453462) | |
22/12/11 05:31h | leave_team Deleted account (6453462) | |
26/12/11 17:10h | first_login_esltv | |
10/01/12 15:29h | join_team Team Invaders (6322576) | |
10/01/12 17:03h | team_kick Team Invaders (6322576) / by BLcKy (4727234) | |
16/01/12 09:04h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Domination Ladder | |
19/01/12 10:22h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Herrschaft Ladder | |
19/01/12 12:59h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Herrschaft Ladder | |
19/01/12 16:55h | join_team NeXtGen.Friends & Fans (5262942) | |
20/01/12 14:09h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Domination Ladder | |
22/01/12 14:59h | wanna_join_league Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Championship Qualicup #1 by | |
22/01/12 15:00h | wanna_join_league Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Championship Qualicup #2 by | |
22/01/12 17:39h | join_league Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Championship Qualicup #2 by | |
23/01/12 15:56h | join_team Team Hartz 5 GomL (6500048) | |
29/01/12 06:14h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Herrschaft Ladder | |
04/02/12 11:14h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Domination Ladder | |
05/02/12 07:48h | join_team Deleted account (6591712) | |
05/02/12 08:00h | leave_team Deleted account (6591712) | |
05/02/12 11:49h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Domination Ladder | |
05/02/12 13:55h | join_team noLook.eSports COD (3099709) | |
06/02/12 15:21h | team_kick noLook.eSports COD (3099709) / by Deleted account (3674333) | |
08/02/12 13:24h | wanna_join_league Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Premium Cup Series #1 | |
09/02/12 15:13h | join_league Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Premium Cup Series #1 | |
11/02/12 15:42h | join_team yeaH boY Rusha! (4027714) | |
14/02/12 11:55h | wanna_join_league Ger NHL Arcade (360) 1on1 Premium Cup Series #1 | |
14/02/12 12:20h | join_league Ger NHL Arcade (360) 1on1 Premium Cup Series #1 | |
16/02/12 14:31h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 S&D Ladder | |
16/02/12 14:34h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Random Gen Ladder | |
16/02/12 14:44h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 S&D Ladder | |
16/02/12 15:10h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Random Gen Ladder | |
18/02/12 12:28h | wanna_join_league Ger NHL Arcade (360) 1on1 Opening Cup | |
18/02/12 12:49h | join_league Ger NHL Arcade (360) 1on1 Opening Cup | |
19/02/12 19:00h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 S&D Ladder | |
22/02/12 07:08h | join_team DoPED _Boys (4140465) | |
22/02/12 13:42h | join_team Deleted account (6122252) | |
22/02/12 13:45h | team_kick Deleted account (6122252) / by Deleted account (3827878) | |
24/02/12 17:00h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Random Gen Ladder | |
06/04/12 13:15h | join_team Team ABCD (6249968) | |
06/04/12 18:11h | team_kick Team ABCD (6249968) / by SILLA (5645534) | |
16/04/12 06:55h | join_team German RG player (6807521) | |
16/04/12 13:55h | join_team VS. Party (6772853) | |
01/05/12 19:58h | inactivity_kick Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Ladder | |
20/05/12 07:44h | wanna_join_league Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Ladder | |
20/05/12 07:59h | join_league Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Ladder | |
10/07/12 19:40h | inactivity_kick Ger Doritos Crash Course (360) 1on1 Ladder | |
11/11/12 15:38h | join_team teamFLY (5847193) | |
19/11/12 18:11h | team_kick teamFLY (5847193) / by Deleted account (5304110) | |
02/03/13 06:58h | team_kick Deleted account (6209445) / by Deleted account (5224388) | |
27/10/22 15:00h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 23 (PS4) FUT Friday Swiss Cup October 2022 #6 Europe | |
28/10/22 11:45h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 22 (PS4) 1on1 FUT Season Challenge Autumn 2022 Cup #8 Germany | |
28/10/22 13:08h | leave_league ESL Play FIFA 22 (PS4) 1on1 FUT Season Challenge Autumn 2022 Cup #8 Germany | |
06/11/22 14:45h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 23 (PS4) FUT Flash Rounds November 2022 #1 Europe | |
08/11/22 12:02h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 23 (PS4) FUT Flash Rounds November 2022 #4 Europe | |
15/11/22 10:54h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 23 (PS4) FUT Open Series Weekly Qualifier November 2022 #10 Europe | |
16/11/22 12:15h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 23 (PS4) FUT Open Series Weekly Qualifier November 2022 #11 Europe | |
20/11/22 11:25h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 23 (PS4) FUT Open Series Weekly Qualifier November 2022 #13 Europe | |
20/11/22 16:28h | leave_league ESL Play FIFA 23 (PS4) FUT Open Series Weekly Qualifier November 2022 #13 Europe |