kimpah  id: 5519191
created Platform action
18/12/10 07:42h first_login_default 
18/12/10 07:42h join_team  Deleted account (5492082)
18/12/10 07:44h join_team  Curse.EU (4545049)
20/11/11 11:26h join_team  andromeda.CF (6373425)
02/02/12 12:29h join_team  andromeda (6573498)
15/02/12 08:49h register_team  Deleted account (6626055)
22/02/12 14:20h join_league  Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle
07/03/12 07:23h first_login_esltv 
08/03/12 15:59h team_kick  Deleted account (6226710) / by Gravity (1911918)
26/06/12 13:48h join_team  XyLence (4508318)
11/07/12 18:05h join_team  Sweden (6934689)
15/07/12 11:18h register_team  andromeda (7020058)
22/07/12 14:46h leave_team  XyLence (4508318)
16/09/12 08:53h join_team  Deleted account (7174950)
16/09/12 10:06h team_kick  Curse.EU (4545049) / by Gravity (1911918)
16/09/12 10:46h team_kick  Deleted account (7174950) / by W (4159345)
16/09/12 11:05h join_team  Curse.EU (4545049)
28/09/12 15:44h team_kick  Sweden (6934689) / by Deleted account (6934794)
28/09/12 15:49h join_team  Sweden (6934689)
30/09/12 17:26h join_team  CrackHeads (5703543)
10/10/12 15:35h team_kick  Curse.EU (4545049) / by W (4159345)
21/11/12 15:42h join_team  Deleted account (7322985)
25/11/12 15:03h team_kick  Deleted account (7322985) / by MONKEY (6989574)
08/03/13 10:07h join_team  -Rush (7207939)
22/03/13 22:19h team_kick  -Rush (7207939) / by Deleted account (7207932)
01/09/13 07:43h join_team  DooMaa (7186841)
04/09/13 15:12h join_team  Knattarna (7925976)
23/11/13 15:27h join_team  Deleted account (7103597)
07/12/13 18:15h team_kick  Deleted account (7103597) / by edis (4113466)
16/12/13 09:02h wanna_join_league  Europe Alliance of Valiant Arms Annihilation 1on1 Christmas Cup 2013!
16/12/13 09:37h join_league  Europe Alliance of Valiant Arms Annihilation 1on1 Christmas Cup 2013!
19/01/14 06:21h wanna_join_league  Europe Alliance of Valiant Arms Annihilation 1on1 Cup #1
19/01/14 07:34h join_league  Europe Alliance of Valiant Arms Annihilation 1on1 Cup #1
06/04/14 08:04h join_team  Keyboard Warriors (8313524)
24/07/14 07:36h register_team  Innovare (8528561)
08/12/14 15:01h join_team  Deleted account (8730805)
23/01/15 19:40h join_team  GloriaVictis (5883549)
11/04/15 11:59h join_team  Deleted account (9038438)
24/04/15 15:44h team_kick  Deleted account (9038438) / by MONKEY (6989574)
26/07/15 13:34h join_team  Team Scandinavia (9270540)
05/01/16 07:01h join_team  Global (9055082)
08/03/16 14:56h join_team  wellTOASTED (7039418)
26/05/16 13:41h team_kick  Deleted account (8730805) / by Kwelie (1820569)
10/12/16 16:49h join_team  Brazzers (10540523)
16/12/16 08:14h team_kick  Brazzers (10540523) / by Deleted account (9062192)
23/12/16 04:07h first_login_sm 
26/04/17 09:05h join_team  Deleted account (10945206)
15/08/17 12:22h team_kick  GloriaVictis (5883549) / by Deleted account (5884585)
26/03/18 13:59h team_kick  Deleted account (10945206) / by Zurton (8989534)