TACE  id: 5604953
created Platform action
20/01/11 12:06h first_login_default 
22/01/11 07:05h first_login_esltv 
07/03/11 19:32h first_login_eslworld 
14/01/12 09:11h register_team  Deleted account (6523651)
09/02/12 14:09h join_team  Deleted account (6607295)
17/02/12 15:26h team_kick  Deleted account (6607295) / by ALEXYO (3164911)
06/08/12 17:17h join_team  Deleted account (7063052)
10/10/12 15:39h join_team  Deleted account (7222370)
14/10/12 11:45h join_team  Deleted account (7154977)
06/11/12 10:33h team_kick  Deleted account (7222370) / by NePhi (2341333)
06/11/12 12:06h team_kick  Deleted account (7154977) / by NePhi (2341333)
06/11/12 12:49h join_team  Deleted account (7250591)
26/11/12 15:29h join_team  baam! (7332181)
03/12/12 10:49h team_kick  Deleted account (7250591) / by NePhi (2341333)
09/12/12 12:22h team_kick  baam! (7332181) / by Deleted account (5109432)
09/02/13 18:14h join_team  HEXTECH-YOLO (7515164)
17/03/13 16:05h join_team  Monkey in Pyjamas (7507806)
05/04/13 14:28h join_team  Deleted account (7643954)
05/04/13 14:29h leave_team  Monkey in Pyjamas (7507806)
05/04/13 14:29h leave_team  HEXTECH-YOLO (7515164)
05/04/13 16:19h join_team  Deleted account (7645230)
21/07/13 12:58h join_team  RANDOMTEAM123 (7850549)
21/07/13 17:13h join_team  CS:S - Mannheim (7845481)
21/07/13 17:16h leave_team  CS:S - Mannheim (7845481)
11/10/13 17:32h team_kick  Deleted account (7643954) / by NePhi (2341333)
19/03/14 06:10h team_kick  Deleted account (7645230) / by NePhi (2341333)
21/05/14 11:28h join_team  Deleted account (8418675)
06/04/15 19:59h join_team  4s4s4s (3548754)
06/05/15 12:57h join_team  Dynamic Instinct (8936995)
30/05/15 10:53h join_team  BERTAAH (9142425)
30/05/15 11:16h leave_team  Deleted account (8418675)
30/05/15 11:16h leave_team  Dynamic Instinct (8936995)
30/05/15 11:17h leave_team  RANDOMTEAM123 (7850549)
03/09/15 16:15h team_kick  4s4s4s (3548754) / by MENTALIST (1616337)
12/11/15 16:32h leave_team  BERTAAH (9142425)
12/11/15 16:51h join_team  Deleted account (9561540)
13/11/15 09:25h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
13/12/15 20:04h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
29/12/15 19:10h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
26/01/16 19:14h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
24/03/16 19:45h join_team  movementsnitches (3330431)
11/04/16 13:27h join_team  BURGDORF! (10034473)
25/01/17 08:22h join_team  teamKR CS:GO (10881923)
11/02/17 10:11h team_kick  Deleted account (9561540) / by w4ke (2312852)
04/09/17 14:04h join_team  teamKR CS:GO (11686130)
05/09/17 15:53h join_team  RACCOONS OF ANARCHY (3445974)
05/09/17 16:05h join_team  teamKR eSport Club (753816)
07/09/17 07:54h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
07/09/17 14:39h join_team  2onTour (11691882)
19/10/17 18:51h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
30/10/17 09:54h join_team  ph342 m9 1337 h4xX02 5k111Zz (4536427)
02/03/18 12:21h team_kick  movementsnitches (3330431) / by MENTALIST (1616337)
21/01/20 05:39h team_kick  RACCOONS OF ANARCHY (3445974) / by MENTALIST (1616337)
08/06/22 15:36h team_kick  teamKR CS:GO (10881923) / by Daemon (3)
08/06/22 15:36h team_kick  BURGDORF! (10034473) / by Daemon (3)
08/06/22 15:36h team_kick  teamKR CS:GO (11686130) / by Daemon (3)
08/06/22 15:36h team_kick  teamKR eSport Club (753816) / by Daemon (3)
08/06/22 15:36h team_kick  2onTour (11691882) / by Daemon (3)
08/06/22 15:36h team_kick  ph342 m9 1337 h4xX02 5k111Zz (4536427) / by Daemon (3)