Celaver  id: 5625694
created Platform action
28/01/11 11:24h first_login_default 
28/01/11 11:26h join_team  Deleted account (5301062)
06/02/11 05:39h join_team  Ambu fans (5648867)
06/02/11 05:41h leave_team  Deleted account (5301062)
13/02/11 06:59h register_team  Deleted account (5668362)
13/02/11 07:04h join_team  Deleted account (5555027)
13/02/11 07:18h first_login_esltv 
27/02/11 06:53h register_team  Deleted account (5709023)
05/03/11 04:17h first_login_esltv 
10/04/11 06:29h join_team  ema (5817747)
10/04/11 07:10h leave_team  ema (5817747)
10/04/11 07:10h leave_team  Ambu fans (5648867)
10/04/11 07:10h leave_team  Deleted account (5555027)
31/10/11 13:57h leave_team  Parszywa 5 Veggiego (5608187)
05/11/11 07:28h join_team  Nevermind (6337663)
12/11/11 05:23h join_team  Frag eXecutors (5473982)
20/11/11 06:58h join_team  Deleted account (6375468)
23/11/11 12:56h join_team  Fck it (Fix it) (5994015)
23/11/11 12:56h leave_team  Deleted account (6375468)
26/11/11 09:27h join_team  Parszywa 5 Veggiego (5608187)
30/11/11 12:57h leave_team  Frag eXecutors (5473982)
17/12/11 10:10h join_team  Frag eXecutors (5473982)
07/01/12 09:25h team_kick  Fck it (Fix it) (5994015) / by Dis (5446978)
08/01/12 06:46h register_team  nksasfasf (6506907)
12/02/12 07:13h join_team  Deleted account (6616812)
12/02/12 07:35h team_kick  Deleted account (6616812) / by veggie16 (3193905)
12/02/12 07:41h join_team  Stabilna Polska Druzyna (4361520)
30/04/12 17:34h team_kick  Stabilna Polska Druzyna (4361520) / by nIQ (3476214)
04/05/12 11:46h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #29 (04.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
04/05/12 11:55h join_league  POL League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #29 (04.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
18/05/12 10:35h wanna_join_league  POL League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #33 (18.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
18/05/12 11:40h join_league  POL League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #33 (18.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
28/08/12 09:11h join_team  TEAM ROCCAT LoL (6963461)
30/08/12 17:11h team_kick  TEAM ROCCAT LoL (6963461) / by Deleted account (5988410)
31/08/12 08:54h leave_team  Parszywa 5 Veggiego (5608187)
31/08/12 08:59h join_team  Anexis eSports e.V. LoL (7010918)
08/09/12 05:09h leave_team  Anexis eSports e.V. LoL (7010918)
09/09/12 06:53h join_team  Parszywa 5 Veggiego (5608187)
19/10/12 10:22h join_team  KRYZYS (7238030)
27/11/12 14:34h join_team  TEAM ROCCAT LoL (6963461)
04/12/12 16:41h team_kick  KRYZYS (7238030) / by Deleted account (5626678)
24/12/12 17:15h team_kick  Parszywa 5 Veggiego (5608187) / by veggie16 (3193905)
12/01/13 08:13h join_team  Anexis eSports e.V. LoL (7010918)
09/02/13 10:06h join_team  Deleted account (7493321)
23/02/13 09:56h leave_team  Deleted account (7493321)
28/02/13 05:10h join_team  Anexis eSports e.V. LoL IEM (7557743)
29/03/13 10:39h join_team  Anexis eSports e.V. LoL (7628345)
30/03/13 09:27h join_team  Wroclaw GH.LoL (7629842)
29/04/13 08:45h join_team  Team Poland (7696151)
30/04/13 05:16h team_kick  Team Poland (7696151) / by Ayden (2862044)
25/05/13 07:27h join_team  Deleted account (7718067)
14/08/13 10:22h team_kick  Anexis eSports e.V. LoL (7628345) / by Ayden (2862044)
27/08/13 07:38h join_team  KMT.EES (7911465)
02/10/13 11:04h team_kick  Deleted account (7718067) / by Powzilla (1379919)
02/10/13 11:10h join_team  KMT.EPS (7970032)
25/10/13 15:42h join_team  Team Poland (7696151)
21/10/14 11:25h join_team  Sample Text.BMC (8678228)
22/10/14 18:31h join_team  Sample Text.EPS (8431623)
29/10/14 14:45h join_team  Policyjny Poscig (7245693)
13/11/14 16:29h join_team  Reason Gaming (8743150)
13/12/14 08:18h team_kick  TEAM ROCCAT LoL (6963461) / by Powzilla (1379919)
27/03/15 19:06h join_team  Lucky Team.MP (9001964)
07/08/15 06:12h team_kick  Sample Text.BMC (8678228) / by Puki style (3367126)
03/11/15 17:13h join_team  Druzyna patriotow Polskich (9537278)
21/02/16 13:10h join_team  TDX gaming (9894048)
16/07/16 17:07h join_team  Deleted account (10282747)
20/07/16 15:25h join_team  Pawcioslawy (10296241)
02/02/17 11:33h join_team  Team DPD (10900879)
08/02/17 10:32h team_kick  Deleted account (10282747) / by Deleted account (7823429)
19/06/17 10:55h join_team  Deleted account (11343965)
02/09/17 21:38h team_kick  Deleted account (11343965) / by Deleted account (7069774)
18/11/17 18:59h join_team  ziomeczki3000 (11914087)
10/12/17 13:56h join_team  Pozytywna 5 (11895343)
08/02/18 11:22h join_team  Kiedyś Zagramy Mecz (10921447)
17/02/18 15:05h join_team  Deleted account (12109860)
25/03/18 07:27h join_team  Gramy Go4lola Mordo (12346061)
01/07/18 06:59h team_kick  Deleted account (12109860) / by Gilotyna15 (8170889)
23/07/22 22:38h leave_league  ESL Play LoL 5on5 Dummy Poland
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Wroclaw GH.LoL (7629842) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  nksasfasf (6506907) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Anexis eSports e.V. LoL (7010918) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Anexis eSports e.V. LoL IEM (7557743) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Nevermind (6337663) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Frag eXecutors (5473982) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  KMT.EPS (7970032) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Team DPD (10900879) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Lucky Team.MP (9001964) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  TDX gaming (9894048) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  KMT.EES (7911465) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Sample Text.EPS (8431623) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Team Poland (7696151) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Policyjny Poscig (7245693) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Reason Gaming (8743150) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Druzyna patriotow Polskich (9537278) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Kiedyś Zagramy Mecz (10921447) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  ziomeczki3000 (11914087) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Pozytywna 5 (11895343) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Gramy Go4lola Mordo (12346061) / by Daemon (3)
23/07/22 22:38h team_kick  Pawcioslawy (10296241) / by Daemon (3)