Alexandre 'SweakFR' AUBOUY  id: 5688475
created Platform action
19/02/11 14:03h first_login_consoles 
19/02/11 14:16h wanna_join_league  Fr Halo 3 (360) 1on1 Ladder
19/02/11 14:33h join_league  Fr Texas Hold em (360) 1on1 Ladder
19/02/11 14:44h register_team  Deleted account (5688665)
19/02/11 14:52h join_league  Fr Super Street Fighter 4 (360) 1on1 Duel
19/02/11 15:30h join_league  Fr Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 1on1 Hardcore Ladder
19/02/11 15:55h join_league  Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 1on1 Ladder
21/02/11 10:46h join_league  Fr Halo 3 (360) 1on1 Ladder
03/04/11 23:36h inactivity_kick  Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops (360) 1on1 Ladder
03/04/11 23:51h inactivity_kick  Fr Super Street Fighter 4 (360) 1on1 Duel
03/04/11 23:51h inactivity_kick  Fr Texas Hold em (360) 1on1 Ladder
15/04/11 15:48h wanna_join_league  Fr Crysis 2 (360) 1on1 Instant Action Ladder
16/04/11 04:54h join_league  Fr Crysis 2 (360) 1on1 Instant Action Ladder
26/04/11 15:09h first_login_default 
11/12/11 15:00h register_team  Deleted account (6437149)
01/03/12 10:40h wanna_join_league  Europe Day of Defeat: Source 1on1 Ladder
01/03/12 10:48h wanna_join_league  Europe TrackMania Nations Forever Competition 1on1 Rounds Ladder
01/03/12 12:04h join_league  Europe TrackMania Nations Forever Competition 1on1 Rounds Ladder
01/03/12 18:20h join_team  TEAM EKYNOS (6666199)
08/03/12 08:19h wanna_join_league  Europe TrackMania Nations Forever Fun 1on1 Short Quick Ladder
08/03/12 09:32h join_league  Europe TrackMania Nations Forever Fun 1on1 Short Quick Ladder
11/03/12 23:35h first_login_esltv 
13/04/12 19:57h inactivity_kick  Europe TrackMania Nations Forever Competition 1on1 Rounds Ladder
20/04/12 19:33h inactivity_kick  Europe TrackMania Nations Forever Fun 1on1 Short Quick Ladder
06/05/12 08:51h wanna_join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
06/05/12 09:41h join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
06/05/12 14:23h register_team  Deleted account (6854307)
10/05/12 06:02h wanna_join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v292 1on1 Handgun
10/05/12 11:45h join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v292 1on1 Handgun
12/05/12 11:29h wanna_join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v294 1on1 Shotgun
12/05/12 16:13h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
12/05/12 16:15h wanna_join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source ROCCAT Series Division 3 Avril
12/05/12 16:47h wanna_join_league  Europe Quake Live 1on1 Ladder
12/05/12 19:32h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
12/05/12 21:30h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
12/05/12 22:14h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
13/05/12 06:05h join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source ROCCAT Series Division 3 Avril
13/05/12 06:06h join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v294 1on1 Shotgun
13/05/12 06:11h join_league  Europe Quake Live 1on1 Ladder
15/05/12 08:43h wanna_join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v295 1on1 HandGun
15/05/12 14:06h join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v295 1on1 HandGun
15/05/12 18:11h register_team  Deleted account (6875264)
18/05/12 11:36h wanna_join_league  FR OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
18/05/12 15:03h join_league  FR OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
19/05/12 11:27h wanna_join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Ladder
19/05/12 11:28h join_team  ESL NO CHEAT ! (4371003)
19/05/12 19:25h join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Ladder
21/05/12 12:17h join_team  EKYNOS - POKER - 2on2 (6888986)
01/06/12 16:14h wanna_join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
01/06/12 16:58h join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
06/06/12 09:41h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Point #78
06/06/12 10:19h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Point #78
07/06/12 10:36h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Daily Tournament of Poker #60
07/06/12 10:47h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Daily Tournament of Poker #60
07/06/12 14:50h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Daily Tournament of Poker #60
07/06/12 14:51h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Daily Tournament of Poker #60
07/06/12 15:51h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Point #79
07/06/12 16:10h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Point #79
07/06/12 16:35h wanna_join_league  FR OMGPOP Cup Sunday Cup #08 - Booya !
08/06/12 11:23h join_league  FR OMGPOP Cup Sunday Cup #08 - Booya !
08/06/12 16:19h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #43.1
08/06/12 16:30h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #43.1
08/06/12 16:32h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #43.2
08/06/12 16:42h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #43.2
08/06/12 17:44h first_login_eslworld 
08/06/12 18:18h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Points #80
09/06/12 02:44h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Points #80
09/06/12 22:22h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #43.3
09/06/12 22:23h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #43 Finale
09/06/12 22:28h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #43.3
11/06/12 04:40h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Points #81
11/06/12 05:05h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Points #81
11/06/12 18:13h wanna_join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v308 1on1 AIM
12/06/12 05:06h join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v308 1on1 AIM
13/06/12 14:44h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Points #82
13/06/12 14:45h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Points #82
13/06/12 17:28h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Daily Tournament of Poker #62
13/06/12 17:32h register_team  Deleted account (6945194)
13/06/12 17:47h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Daily Tournament of Poker #62
14/06/12 15:03h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Daily Tournament of Poker #62
16/06/12 14:46h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #44.2
16/06/12 14:50h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #44.2
20/06/12 16:04h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Daily Tournament of Poker #64
20/06/12 16:48h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Daily Tournament of Poker #64
22/06/12 14:49h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Points #87
22/06/12 14:57h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Poker Points #87
22/06/12 17:13h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #45.2
22/06/12 17:38h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup Week-end Series Of Poker #45.2
25/06/12 19:39h inactivity_kick  Europe Quake Live 1on1 Ladder
21/07/12 19:34h inactivity_kick  FR OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
25/07/12 19:46h inactivity_kick  FR Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
27/07/12 19:34h inactivity_kick  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
02/08/12 19:31h inactivity_kick  FR PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
25/08/12 12:15h wanna_join_league  FR FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
25/08/12 12:46h join_league  FR FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
26/08/12 15:39h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Of The Hill #34
26/08/12 15:39h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
26/08/12 15:58h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
26/08/12 15:58h join_league  FR PokerTH Cup King Of The Hill #34
28/08/12 16:57h join_team PUBLIC (4904197)
09/09/12 12:02h register_team  Deleted account (7161338)
23/09/12 19:21h inactivity_kick  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
23/10/12 06:12h join_team  Deleted account (5002017)
26/10/12 09:39h wanna_join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 1on1 Melee Tournament #3
26/10/12 09:59h join_league  FR ShootMania Storm 1on1 Melee Tournament #3
26/10/12 10:25h register_team  Deleted account (7254825)
26/10/12 19:25h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
08/11/12 07:28h wanna_join_league  FR Shootmania Storm 1on1 RailGun Beta Cup #2
08/11/12 12:26h join_league  FR Shootmania Storm 1on1 RailGun Beta Cup #2
09/11/12 14:31h wanna_join_league  FR Shootmania Storm 1on1 RailGun Beta Cup #2
09/11/12 14:34h join_league  FR Shootmania Storm 1on1 RailGun Beta Cup #2
10/11/12 19:27h join_team  MULTIGAMING E-SHOCK (6824764)
16/11/12 14:00h wanna_join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AIM Ladder
16/11/12 14:37h join_league  FR Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AIM Ladder
16/11/12 15:03h join_team  Deleted account (7311742)
28/11/12 19:36h wanna_join_league  FR FIFA 13 1on1 Ladder
29/11/12 03:27h join_league  FR FIFA 13 1on1 Ladder
03/12/12 10:35h wanna_join_league  FR FIFA 13 1on1 SkillCup #9 - Premier League
03/12/12 11:32h join_league  FR FIFA 13 1on1 SkillCup #9 - Premier League
16/12/12 18:21h kicked_from_league_ac  FR Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 AIM Ladder
27/12/12 18:34h wanna_join_league  FR FIFA 13 1on1 Xmas Cup #6
28/12/12 07:20h join_league  FR FIFA 13 1on1 Xmas Cup #6
29/12/12 22:52h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
29/12/12 22:52h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
30/12/12 01:16h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
09/01/13 18:27h team_kick  Deleted account (7311742) / by Deleted account (5353516)
10/01/13 13:00h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
14/01/13 10:18h join_team  FR - ASUS Republic-Of-Gamers (6003339)
27/01/13 19:06h inactivity_kick  FR PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
10/02/13 19:18h inactivity_kick  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
25/03/13 05:40h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 ESL-Series
25/03/13 05:41h leave_league  FR FIFA 13 1on1 Ladder
25/03/13 15:04h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 ESL-Series
01/04/13 09:01h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Easter Cup 2013 #5 Table à Croupier
01/04/13 09:36h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Easter Cup 2013 #5 Table à Croupier
01/04/13 16:32h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
02/04/13 05:33h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
02/04/13 11:24h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 PokerTH Cup King Poker Cup #31
02/04/13 12:49h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 PokerTH Cup King Poker Cup #31
02/04/13 14:39h wanna_join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 PokerTH Cup King Poker Cup #32
02/04/13 15:13h join_league  FR PokerTH 1on1 PokerTH Cup King Poker Cup #32
26/04/13 15:31h wanna_join_league  FR Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 1on1 SnD Ladder
27/04/13 08:34h join_league  FR Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 1on1 SnD Ladder
15/05/13 11:56h team_kick  MULTIGAMING E-SHOCK (6824764) / by Deleted account (3404385)
19/05/13 18:20h kicked_from_league_ac  FR Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 1on1 SnD Ladder
19/11/14 20:07h team_kick  Deleted account (5002017) / by Deleted account (3915691)
03/05/15 13:08h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
03/05/15 14:59h join_league  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
15/06/15 19:13h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
23/05/16 03:43h wanna_join_league  ESL Play TM2 Stadium Open Ladder 1on1
24/05/16 12:29h join_league  ESL Play TM2 Stadium Open Ladder 1on1
05/07/16 19:18h inactivity_kick  ESL Play TM2 Stadium Open Ladder 1on1
10/07/16 08:41h join_league  ESL Play Killer Instinct (One) 1on1 Scuf Gaming 50€ Voucher Cup #5 Europe
18/07/16 09:25h join_league  ESL Play Killer Instinct (One) 1on1 Community Cup #22 Europe
27/08/16 06:59h join_league  ESL Play Killer Instinct (One) 1on1 Scuf Gaming 50€ Voucher Cup #6 Europe
18/09/16 13:57h join_league  ESL Play Killer Instinct (One) 1on1 Scuf Gaming 50€ Voucher Cup #6 Europe
21/09/16 03:44h join_league  ESL Play Killer Instinct (One) 1on1 Scuf Gaming 50€ Voucher Cup #7 Europe
05/09/23 13:58h join_league  ESL Play TEKKEN 7 (PS4) 1on1 Fight Nights Weekly Cup September 2023 #2 Europe
16/11/23 06:08h join_league  ESL Play Brawlhalla (PS4) 1on1 Cash Cup #45 Europe