created | Platform | action |
31/03/11 09:57h | first_login_default | |
15/11/11 18:11h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa Series #7 Ronda 4 | |
15/11/11 18:20h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa de Clases #2: Solo Tanques | |
15/11/11 18:27h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa de Clases #2: Solo Tanques | |
15/11/11 18:30h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
15/11/11 18:41h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa Rapida #8 | |
16/11/11 07:09h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
16/11/11 07:10h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa Rapida #8 | |
16/11/11 14:05h | wanna_join_league Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder | |
16/11/11 14:12h | join_league Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder | |
16/11/11 14:58h | join_team McLoL Deluxe (6360112) | |
21/11/11 15:42h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa de Clases #2: Solo Hechiceros | |
21/11/11 15:43h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa Rapida #9 | |
21/11/11 16:07h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa de Clases #2: Solo Hechiceros | |
21/11/11 16:07h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa Rapida #9 | |
26/11/11 06:47h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa Rapida #10 | |
26/11/11 07:13h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa Rapida #10 | |
19/12/11 07:35h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa Rápida #13 | |
19/12/11 07:45h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Copa Rápida #13 | |
02/01/12 14:40h | leave_team McLoL Deluxe (6360112) | |
05/01/12 18:21h | kicked_from_league_ac Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Ladder | |
07/01/12 20:07h | inactivity_kick ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
19/01/12 07:49h | first_login_esltv | |
05/04/12 08:23h | register_team Deleted account (6775113) | |
06/04/12 14:18h | join_team The L3g3nds Gaming (6053182) | |
06/04/12 16:13h | team_kick The L3g3nds Gaming (6053182) / by Deleted account (6045985) | |
08/05/12 15:26h | join_team El Zapato del Diablo (6622177) | |
17/05/12 16:15h | join_team Deleted account (6877709) | |
12/07/12 15:38h | team_kick El Zapato del Diablo (6622177) / by Spotlight22 (6220534) | |
25/08/12 08:56h | join_team El Zapato del Diablo (6622177) | |
31/08/12 10:22h | join_team SOMOZ BRONZEZ Y PLATAZ (7092392) | |
15/09/12 08:57h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
15/09/12 10:56h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
09/10/12 13:19h | team_kick El Zapato del Diablo (6622177) / by Spotlight22 (6220534) | |
16/10/12 09:22h | team_kick Deleted account (6877709) / by Adrig6 (6828666) | |
18/10/12 12:33h | team_kick SOMOZ BRONZEZ Y PLATAZ (7092392) / by Deleted account (4819112) | |
19/10/12 16:09h | inactivity_kick ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
28/10/12 08:45h | join_team Deleted account (7226514) | |
28/10/12 11:22h | team_kick Deleted account (7226514) / by Deleted account (6881333) | |
18/11/12 15:27h | join_team uR Gaming Club (7314221) | |
20/11/12 08:57h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Equipo Ocelote | |
20/11/12 09:01h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
20/11/12 09:06h | join_league Europe League of Legends EU West 1on1 Series - Proving Grounds | |
20/11/12 09:13h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Equipo Ocelote | |
20/11/12 10:11h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
30/11/12 09:34h | join_team uR eSports Club (6605002) | |
03/12/12 09:39h | join_team uR eSports Gaming (7010873) | |
28/12/12 08:41h | join_team Coordination 0 (6438689) | |
04/01/13 09:22h | leave_team Coordination 0 (6438689) | |
11/01/13 10:52h | join_team Deleted account (7418260) | |
30/01/13 18:37h | inactivity_kick ES League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
15/02/13 08:52h | team_kick uR Gaming Club (7314221) / by Deleted account (6213588) | |
28/02/13 14:52h | team_kick uR eSports Club (6605002) / by Deleted account (4988661) | |
05/03/13 16:55h | team_kick uR eSports Gaming (7010873) / by Deleted account (6213588) | |
11/03/13 16:43h | join_team uR eSports Gaming (7010873) | |
21/03/13 08:18h | leave_team Deleted account (7418260) | |
26/04/13 09:52h | join_team uR eSports Club (6605002) | |
03/05/13 10:45h | join_team Arctic Wave (7686086) | |
03/05/13 19:20h | team_kick Arctic Wave (7686086) / by Deleted account (4207050) | |
05/05/13 15:10h | join_team Celerius LoL Team (7592466) | |
23/05/13 14:43h | team_kick Celerius LoL Team (7592466) / by Deleted account (6213588) | |
06/09/13 08:37h | register_team Deleted account (7928187) | |
26/09/13 18:12h | join_team CT Alchemists (7925429) | |
18/10/13 08:29h | team_kick CT Alchemists (7925429) / by Deleted account (6665727) | |
06/02/14 16:15h | register_team Madness Gaming (8217288) | |
25/06/14 17:09h | wanna_join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 1on1 Best Lee Sin ESP #1 | |
25/06/14 17:42h | join_league ES League of Legends 1on1 1on1 Best Lee Sin ESP #1 |